Magnus VT-200 Manual

Magnus Tripod VT-200

Read below 📖 the manual in Italian for Magnus VT-200 (5 pages) in the Tripod category. This guide has been helpful for 8 people and has been rated 4.5 stars on average by 2 users

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Video Tripod
Lo in Mck g id-Level
Cen ert Column
Hand Crank
Tilt/Pan Bar
Lo in Kck g nob
Flo t a Level
M nou tin teg Pla
Cap retu Rel seea
Tilt/Pan Bar
VT 200 - Specs
6 k6. lb. (3 g) load capacity
˝ t60 (152 cm) o 20˝ (5 e0.8 cm) h ight
5 f21.75˝ ( 5.25 cm) olded length
4 k3. 5 lb. (1.5 g) weight
VT 300 - Specs
615 lb. ( .8 kg) load capacity
6 264.(1 3 cm) to 5˝ ( 3.5 cm) h6 eight
7 f26.5˝ (6 .3 cm) olded length
5 k4. lb. (2 g) weight
VT 300 - Specs
615 lb. ( .8 kg) load capacity
˝ t82 (208 cm) o 25.5˝ ( 7.8 cm) h6 eight
9 f27.5˝ (6 .9 cm) olded length
4 k5. 5 lb. (2.5 g) weight
VT-200 Specs
VT-300 Specs
VT-350 Specs
Tearing Down Your Tripod
7 Remov he t e Mounting atePl
Rotate tthe moun ing plate k loc so t t tha he
flat sid is e against th ne mou ting plate. The
mounting plate will pop free.
1 Unm nt Cameraou
Rotat ee th mounting plate lock forw nard u til the
mou tin ng plate pops free. Lift the ca ra p me u
a tnd ou until it is free of t e th ripod.
9 M nt Camera Tr dou to ipo
Make certain that your trip r cked od legs a e lo
a hnd t e tripod is stable and ready for t g moun in
y r camerou a. From the rig e h ht side of t t , ripod
slide the mounting plate down nd lef ona t to
the tripod head. P hus down until t t g he moun in
plate clicks.
8 M nt Camera Plateou to
Attach the n mou ti g n plate to your camera.
B ertain thae c t the retractable alig men nt pin
set ns i to its pocket on the camera. Screw the
threade t n the platd s ud o e i to t bottom on he f
the ca
2 Lower Center Column (if ra ed)is
Release the center c n column lo ki g kno . b U ng si
the hand crank, lower the center he column all t
way n dow . Secure h t e locking knob and fold the
han rd c ank down.
A ell imag s e ar for tr illus ative e nly. purpos s o
Your trip aod m y look slig difhtly ferent.
Cen ert Column
Lo obck Kn

Product Specifications

Brand: Magnus
Category: Tripod
Model: VT-200

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