Speco Technologies V5B2 Manual

Read below 📖 the manual in Italian for Speco Technologies V5B2 (9 pages) in the Not categorized category. This guide has been helpful for 8 people and has been rated 4.5 stars on average by 2 users

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Thank you for purchasing our product. Speco Technologies is constantly developing and
improving products. We reserve the right to modify product design and specifications
without notice and without incurring any obligation.
If th e p roduct does n ot wo rk prop erly, please con tact the dealer or where the product was purchased.
Speco Techno logies is not responsible for any problems caused by improper operati on or rep air.
Do not exp ose the un it to heav y stress, violen t v ib ration or long-term expo sure to water a nd humid ity
during transportation , storage, and/or ins tallation.
Do not install near sources o f heat.
Only inst all the product in enviro n ments insid e th e s pecificat ion operati ng temperature and humid ity
Do not install the camera near power l ines, rad ar equipment or other electro magnetic radiation.
Do not b lo ck an y ventilation openings if any.
Use all th e weatherpro ofing h ardware requ irement to minimize weather intrusion.
This camera series is the latest technology and advanced circuit design, which features high definitio n and
sensitivity, low noise and distortion and su ppo rts HD vi deo transmissio n wit h the common coaxial cable,
ensu ring th e requirement of th e HD mo nitori ng in the trad itional surveillance system.
Hig h Resolution
Adopt high perfo rmance sensor, provid in g high defi nition and clear i mage.
Hig h Tra nsmission Performance
Real time tran smission with hig h sp eed and lo n g distance- .
Redu ce n o ise fro m brig htn ess and color sign al .
Access the camera settings which can be clearly display ed th rough the main menu .
White Ba lance
Adju st th e co lor temp erature according to the environment automatically.
ICR Auto Switch
The filter will filter i nfrared light durin g the daytime and change to n o rmal at n igh t to
ensu re a h igh sens itivity and clear image .
Adju st th e gain of amplifier, enabling the camera to ou tpu t the standard video sig n al i n different
lig h ting co ndition.
Wide Dynami c Ra nge (WDR)
When there are both v ery bright and very dark areas simu ltaneo u sl y in the field of v iew, t his functio n
will b alance the brightness level and prov ide clear imag es .
Back light Compensatio n BLC ( )
When the back of the captu red o bj ect is too much b right, you can s et B LC for the captu red o bj ect to
mak e it clearer. 1
Power Ca ble
Video Ou tput
Video Sw i tch Ca b le
Video Sw it ch: F our video output m o de s can be optio nal--AHD, TVI, C VI and CVBS
(a) remove t he co ver of the vi deo switch cable; (b) h ol d and p re ss the bu tt o n in t he video
switch cable for 5 seco n ds to switc h the curren t video output.
Before you s ta rt, p le ase mak e s ure that the wall or ceiling is str o n g enough to w ithstand three times
the wei gh t of th e camera. Please install and use the camera in the dry environment.
Youd be tter install back the lens cover or lowe r dome le ss than 4 hours after removing it.
The mounting types of cameras are only for reference.
Mounting for V5B2/V5B2MMounting for V5B2/V5B2M
1. Drill the screw holes and the cable hole on the wall according to the drill template. 1. Drill the screw holes and the cable hole on the wall according to the drill template.
2. Route and connect the cables .
3. Secure the mounting base with camera to the wall with screws as shown below.
2. Route and connect the cables .
3. Secure the mounting base with camera to the wall with screws as shown below.

Product Specifications

Brand: Speco Technologies
Category: Not categorized
Model: V5B2

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