XCell BC-X4000 Manual

Read below 📖 the manual in Italian for XCell BC-X4000 (7 pages) in the Not categorized category. This guide has been helpful for 4 people and has been rated 4.5 stars on average by 2 users

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1.1 本规格书适用于 MT4000
1.2 此充规格书适用于规定 MT4000 电气外观机械特性以及外部环境 要求等方面的规格。
The Specification applied the charger MT4000, stipulate the charger electrical, appearance,is to to ’s
mechanical characteristics and external environment requirements.
2.1 DC输入电压
Input Voltage DC
额定输入电: DC12V/3.0AMax
Rated input voltage: DC12V/3.0AMax
3.1 输出电压:DC 4.2V 300mA*4 500mA*4 700mA*4 1000mA*4
Output voltage: DC 4.2V 300mA*4 500mA*4 700mA*4 1000mA*4
3.2 输出电压:DC 1.48V 300mA*4 500mA*4 700mA*4 1000mA*4
Output voltage: DC 1.48V 300mA*4 500mA*4 700mA*4 1000mA*4
3.3 输出电压:USB 5V 1000mA
Output voltage: USB 5V 1000mA
3.4 内阻测试范围:0~99mR
Product Characteristics
4.1本产品采用微电脑控制 可对任意容量的镍氢 镍镉 锂电池任意组合进行快速充电及容量检 智能识别各类 / /
Controlled by microcomputer, this charger can charge NI-MH, NI-CD, Li-Ion batteries any combinationin in
fast way
and intelligently identify different batteries
4.2 每路电池有独立 显示充电参数LCD
Independent LCD display of different batteries
4.3 Charger 300mA/ 500mA/ 700mA/1000mA( 5%)下 四 公差±
Charging mode: Charging current 300mA/ 500mA/ 700mA/1000mA(公差±5%)
energy inside GmbH • Ludwig-Elsbett-Straße 8 • 97616 Salz • Germany
All data contained herein is for single cell and may vary for cell with specic conguration, subject to change without prior notice.
4.4 test 模式(先将电池充满电再放电最后将电池充满电), 检测电池容量;
Test mode (charge discharge charge) battery capacity- - test
4.5 Charge test 两种模式同时进行
Charging mode and mode can work at thetest same time
4.6 每一路电池都可以同时或独立设定充电或容量检测功能;
Each battery controlled and monitored independently or simultaneously.slot is
4.7 多种显示模式 电流 容量, (mA) / (mAh)/电压(V)/时间(h)/内阻(mR)
A variety of display modes: Current(mA)/Capacity(mAh)/Voltage(V)/Time(h)/Internal Resistance(mR)
4.8 配有专用的电源适配器
With a specialized adapter
4.9 Ni-MH/CD 电池低于 不能充电0.2V 液晶屏null
When voltage of NI-MH/CD battery lower than 0.2V, canis it t be charged, and showsit null in LCD Display.
4.10 Ni-MH/CD 电池最高充电保护电压为 1.55V
The highest charging protection voltage 1.55V.is
4.11 Lilon 2.2V低于 不能充电,液晶屏显示 null
When the voltage of Li-ion battery are lower than 2.2V, LCD Display shows null ”.
4.12 Lilon 电池最高充电保护电压为 4.25 0.05V±
The highest protect voltage for Li-ion battery 4.25 0.05V.is ±
4.13 温度保护75±5
Protect temperature: 75±5
energy inside GmbH • Ludwig-Elsbett-Straße 8 • 97616 Salz • Germany
All data contained herein is for single cell and may vary for cell with specic conguration, subject to change without prior notice.
4.14 充电完成后显示:FULL
When finished charging, shows Fullit
5.1 充电器有三个功能按键和四个电池选择按键,使用简洁方便;
This charger has three function buttons and four selection buttons, makeswhich it very simple and
convenient use.to
5.2 选择按键 :
Selection buttons;
Select the corresponding battery and change the mode of the battery separately.slot
5.3 功能按键 Function buttons:
5.3.1 式键MODEMode
第一次按 键需要长按 才可以在mode 2Scharge/Test 两种模式中切换
It toneed press the mode button for 2S the time, and then change the charging or mode.first Test
5.3.2. DISPLAY( )
按一下显示,可以看电池充放电五种状态电流 容量(mA)/ (mAh)/电压(V)/时间(h)/内阻(mR)
To press the display button and check the status of battery during charging and discharging process,five
Current(mA)/Capacity(mAh)/Voltage(V)/Time(h)/Internal resistance(mR)
5.3.3 CURRENT( )
用于调节电池充电电流大300mA/ 500mA/ 700mA/1000mA
To change the battery current, 300mA/ 500mA/ 700mA/1000mA
Operation mode
6.1 Charge Mode(充电模式
6.1.1 当充电器接通电源时LCD 屏幕全屏显示 如果电池未放入将会显示 如果放入是坏电池也将3s , Null,
显示 ” .Null
When the charger connected power, the charger LCDis to will display full screen for 3S and will displaywith , it
Null if inno battery was put or bad battery was put in.
energy inside GmbH • Ludwig-Elsbett-Straße 8 • 97616 Salz • Germany
All data contained herein is for single cell and may vary for cell with specic conguration, subject to change without prior notice.

Product Specifications

Brand: XCell
Category: Not categorized
Model: BC-X4000

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