Jinbei EFT-361 RGB Manual

Jinbei Not categorized EFT-361 RGB

Read below 📖 the manual in Italian for Jinbei EFT-361 RGB (2 pages) in the Not categorized category. This guide has been helpful for 5 people and has been rated 4.5 stars on average by 2 users

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双色温灯棒 Bi-Color LED Tube
全彩灯棒 RGB LED Tube
We reserve the right to update functions or parameters without further notice.
型号 Type / 编码 Code
型号 Type / 编码 Code EFT-551⸺1.05.031611(灰Grey) / 1.05.031614(金Golden)
EFT-361⸺1.05.031612(灰Grey) / 1.05.031613(金Golden)
规格参数 Parameters
内置蓝牙模块(4.2版) Built-in bluetooth
光源 Light source
EFT-551⸺288颗LED灯珠(Lamp beads)
EFT-361⸺240颗LED灯珠(Lamp beads) / 72颗RGB贴片灯(Patch lamp)
输出功率 Output Power 22W
光照度 Luminous Lux (0.5m)
CCT色温模式(Color temperature model)
EFT-551⸺2700K>2600Lux / 5500K>2700Lux / 7500K>2600Lux
EFT-361⸺2700K>2500Lux / 5500K>2600Lux / 7500K>2500Lux
RGB全彩模式(Full color mode):
EFT-361⸺红色(R>250Lux / 绿色(G)>480Lux / 蓝色(B)>120Lux / 黄Y>400Lux
调光范围 Output range 0~100%
色温 Color temperature EFT-551: EFT-361: 2700K~7500K / 2000K~7500K
显色指数 CRI / TLCI
扩展 Extend 1/4”通用螺口 Adapter screw x 2 / 支持OTA固件升级 Support OTA firmware upgrade
尺寸 Dimensions 605(L) x φ50mm
重量 Weight 620g(不含挡板 Without barn door)
Ra>96 / TLCI>98
EFT-551光效模式 Light effect modes
9种预设光效+自定义光效 9 preset lighting effects + custom lighting effects
火焰(Fire/ 呼吸Pulse)/ 电视(TV)/ 坏灯Fault bulb/ 狗仔队Paparazzi)
远近光灯(Headlight/ 雷电Storm)/ 紧急求SOS)/ 警示(Warning)
EFT-361光效模式 Light effect modes
共26种光效:预设光效+自定义光效 26 light effects: preset light effects + custom light effects
火焰(Fire/ 呼吸Pulse)/ 电视(TV)/ 坏灯泡Fault bulb)/ 狗仔队(Paparazzi)/ 远近光Headlight
雷电(Storm)/ 紧急求救SOS)/ 警灯(Police)/ 消防车(Fire engine)/ 警示Warning
救护车(Ambulance/ 烟花Fire work/ 派对“F”(Party F”/ 派对“S”(Party S”
“R”红色频闪(Red multi/ “G”绿色频Green multi)/ B”蓝色频Blue multi
“RGB”彩色频闪(Color multi/ 色温循环(Color temperature cycle
2700K~7500K 2000K~7500K
无线遥控 Wireless remote control
苹果 / 安卓手机APP遥控调节 App remote control
遥控距离 Range>30米 Meter
2种供电模式 Two power supply modes:
1)接电源适配器(AC Adapter输入(Input):AC 100~240V 50/60Hz输出(Output):DC7.5V 3.2A
2)2节3.7V 18.5WH 26650锂电池供电 Two 3.7V 18.5wh 26650 lithium batteries for power supply
续航时间>90分钟(Endurance time > 90 minutes
Barn door
AC power adapter
选配附件 Recommended accessories
26650/3.7V 5000mAh
锂电池 Lithium battery
Lithium battery charger
Ball head
EF 便携包
Port ackage
Led tube
装箱清单 Package contents
Barn door 模式切换按键
Mode button “+”按键
“+” button
Bluetooth button
1/4”Adapter screw
Power switch
Setting button “-”按键
“-” button
Battery cover
AC adapter plug
选配 5000mAh 26650锂电池
Two 3.7V 5000mAh 26650 lithium battery
装卸挡光板 Loading & unloading barn door
开机/关机 On/O⸺长按电源开关约2s开机或关机 Press & hold the power switch for 2s to turn on or off
亮度调节 Brightness adjustment
Short press the set key to switch to the brightness icon,
and press the "+ / -" key to adjust the brightness.
色温调节 Color temperature adjustment
Short press the set key to switch to the "CCT" color
temperature icon, and press the "+ / -" key to adjust
the color temperature.
EFT-551: 2700K~7500K / EFT-361: 2000K~7500K
RGB全彩模式 RGB full color mode 仅限EFT-361 Only)
Short press the mode switch button to switch to the "HSI" full-color mode,
press the set key to select the corresponding setting options, and press
the "+ / -" key to adjust the value.
“HUE”色相调节范围 Hue adjustment range: 0~359°
“SAT”色彩饱和度调节 Color saturation adjustment range: 0~100%
“INT彩灯亮度调节 Brightness adjustment range: 0~100%
As shown in the figure, press the
lamp rod into the buckle.
During removal, press and hold the
bae buckle and pull out the lamp rod.
FX预设光效模式 Light effect mode
Short press the mode key to switch to the "FX" light effect mode,
and press the "+ / -" key to select the light effect mode.
EFT-551: FX0~FX8 / EFT-361: FX0~FX19
Press the set key to select the corresponding setting option,
and press the "+ / -" key to adjust the value.
自定义光效模式 Custom light effect mode
Short press the mode key to the user-defined lighting mode interface,
and press the "+ / -" key to switch the user-defined lighting mode.
亮度调节范围 Brightness adjustment range:0~100%
光效闪烁频率调节范围 Flicker frequency adjustment range: 1~9s
色温调节 Color temperature adjustment range⸺EFT-551: 2700K~7500K / EFT-361: 2000K~7500KCCT
“Pulse”CCT色温呼吸(Color temperature breathing) / Pulse”HUE全彩呼吸(Full color breathing)
“Flash”CCT色温频闪(Color temperature strobe) / “Flash”HUE全彩频闪(Full color strobe)
“Cycle”CCT色温循环(Color temperature cycle) / Cycle”HUE全彩循环(Full color cycle)
蓝牙设置 Bluetooth setting⸺短按蓝牙按键打开或关闭 Short press the Bluetooth key to turn on or off
蓝牙重置 Bluetooth reset⸺长按蓝牙按键进入设置界面按SET键切换Reset”重置蓝牙“OTA”件升级
Long press the Bluetooth key to enter the interface, press the set key to
switch betweenReset”or“OTA”, & press“+” / -”to confirm. The Bluetooth
icon flashes to indicate that it is being reset, and the flashing stops after reset.
连接金贝APP Connect to JINBEI APP
下载安装金贝APP Download and install JINBEI APP
安卓手机 Android phone
⸺手机浏览器扫描二维码下载并安装金贝APP Download & install JINBEI APP
苹果手机 iPhone
Search for “jinbei” in Apple’s app store download & install the JINBEI APP.
安卓 for Android
Note: in the process of app installation, please be sure to select the mobile phone permissions required for
the normal operation of the app, such as location and storage permissions; after the installation, please
turn on the mobile location function before using the JINBEI APP, otherwise the app will not search.
EFT-551 EFT-551
Magenta / Green: ±0.5

Product Specifications

Brand: Jinbei
Category: Not categorized
Model: EFT-361 RGB

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