Gymform Leg Fitness Manual
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Leg Fitness
Read below 📖 the manual in Italian for Gymform Leg Fitness (4 pages) in the Not categorized category. This guide has been helpful for 6 people and has been rated 4.5 stars on average by 2 users
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Lea el manual de instrucciones antes de
utilizar Gymform® Leg Fitnes por primera
Si duda sobre su condición física o si
padece alguna enfermedad, consulte a su
médico antes de utilizar Gymform® Leg
Si tiene una hernia discal, consulte a su
médico antes de utilizar el Gymform®
Leg Fitness.
Si padece asma o cualquier otra afección
respiratoria, consulte a su médico antes
de utilizar el Gymform® Leg Fitness.
Coloque siempre el Gymform® Leg
Fitness sobre una superficie plana.
Asegúrese de que los niños no utilicen el
Gymform® Leg Fitness sin la supervisión
de un adulto.
No utilice el Gymform® Leg Fitness si
está embarazada.
No consuma bebidas alcohólicas mien-
tras utiliza el Gymform® Leg Fitness.
Beba agua después de utilizar el Gym-
form® Leg Fitness.
El Gymform® Leg Fitness soporta un
peso máximo de 100 kg.
Advertencia: “No apto para uso terapéutico”
Para poder realizar
ejercicio de forma
segura y cómoda
dejar un perímetro
mínimo de espacio
libre de 0,6m.
- Monte la máquina exactamente como
se describe en las instrucciones de insta-
lación y utilice solo las partes específicas
de la máquina que se indican en ellas.
Antes de montarla, compruebe el albarán
para asegurarse de que p1-ha recibido todos
los componentes y compare el contenido
de la caja con los pasos de montaje de las
instrucciones de instalación y uso para
cerciorarse de que no falta nada.
- Compruebe si todos los tornillos, tuer-
cas y otras conexiones están bien apreta-
dos antes de usar la máquina por primera
vez y a intervalos regulares, para garan-
tizar que el aparato es seguro.
- Monte la máquina en un lugar seco y
llano, y protéjala de la humedad y el agua.
Las zonas irregulares del suelo se deben
compensar con medios adecuados y con
las partes regulables de la máquina, si
están instaladas. Asegúrese de que la
máquina no entre en contacto con hume-
dad ni agua.
- No utilice productos agresivos para
limpiar la máquina y emplee únicamente
las herramientas proporcionadas u otras
adecuadas para montarla y realizar las
reparaciones que sean necesarias.
Limpie las gotas de sudor de la máquina
inmediatamente después del entrenami-
- Entrene con la máquina solamente si
esta funciona correctamente. Use piezas
de repuesto originales para las repara-
ciones que sean necesarias.
ADVERTENCIA: Sustituya las piezas des-
gastadas inmediatamente y no las use
hasta que estén reparadas.
- Tome siempre las precauciones de
seguridad básicas cuando utilice la
máquina para reducir el riesgo de
lesiones, incendio y daños.
Este aparato puede ser utilizado por niños
de 8 años o más y personas con capaci-
dades físicas, sensoriales o mentales
limitadas o con falta de experiencia y
conocimientos al respecto si han sido
supervisados o instruidos acerca del uso
del aparato de forma segura y compren-
den los peligros asociados. Los niños no
deben jugar con el aparato. Los niños no
deben realizar la limpieza ni el manten-
imiento del aparato sin supervisión.
- Cerciórese de que los componentes del
producto están en buen estado antes de
usar la máquina por primera vez. Si los
componentes están dañados, no use el
aparato y devuélvalo a la tienda.
- Esta máquina está diseñada para uso
personal en interiores y no para uso com-
- El distribuidor no se hace responsable
de los daños o pérdidas causados por un
uso indebido del aparato.
- No salte encima del aparato, ya que
podría dañarlo.
- Nunca intente reparar la máquina
personalmente; consulte el problema a
un experto.
- La máquina está concebida para ser
usada por una sola persona por sesión.
No debe utilizarla más de una persona a
la vez.
- Deje de utilizar el aparato inmediata-
mente si se siente incómodo o mareado.
Acuda al médico de inmediato si no se
encuentra bien, tiene dolor en el pecho o
presenta otros síntomas.
- Si hace tiempo que no hace ejercicio o
padece alguna enfermedad cardíaca,
trastornos circulatorios o problemas
ortopédicos, consulte al médico antes de
usar el aparato.
- Los niños deben estar supervisados en
todo momento para garantizar que no
juegan con el aparato.
Advertencia: Si alguna de las piezas
ajustables no queda bien fijada, podría
interferir en el movimiento del usuario.
1. Retire el producto plegado de la caja.
2. Deslice la palanca de bloqueo hacia arriba.
3. Retire el pasador de bloqueo.
4. Presione las dos plataformas con sus respectivos pedales
hacia los lados para desplegar el producto.
5. Levante la barra del manillar
6. Deslice la palanca de bloqueo hacia abajo.
7. Introduzca el pasador de bloqueo.
8. Agárrese al manillar. Súbase a los pedales del producto con
precaución. No lo haga de forma brusca.
9. Abra y cierre las piernas de forma repetida durante el
ADVERTENCIA: Evite caerse y aléjese cuando el pedal se
detenga por completo
Para guardar el aparato fácilmente:
• Levante las plataformas laterales
• Coloque los pedales uno encima del otro
*si no ubica bien estos pedales, el producto no podrá plegarse
• Baje el manillar y bloquéelo con el interruptor y el pasador
• Ubique las plataformas en la zona intencionada para que se
bloqueen plegados
Puede limpiar el aparato con un paño húmedo
Gymform® Leg Fitness
Peso máximo usuario: 100 Kg
Requisito de espacio aproximado: H 100 cm x W 120cm x D
Requisito de espacio plegado: H 70 cm x W 50 cm X D 40 cm
Pero aproximado: 4 Kg
Este producto cumple con la Directiva Standard EN ISO
Este producto queda cubierto por una garantía contra
defectos de fabricación sujeta a los plazos de tiempo
estipulados por la legislación vigente en cada país.
Esta garantía no cubre los daños resultantes de un uso
inadecuado, uso comercial negligente, desgaste anormal,
accidentes o manipulación indebida.
Fabricado en China.
English Español Français
GYMFORM® LEG FITNESS is a registered EU/CTM trade mark. International patents pending. All imitations will be prosecuted.
Made in China
Fabricado en China
Fabriqué en Chine
Hergestellt in China
Prodotto in Cina
Fabricado na China
Imported by Industex S.L.
Lisez la notice d’utilisation avant d’utiliser
Gymform® Leg Fitness pour la première
En cas de doute à propos de votre état de
santé ou si vous souffrez d’une maladie,
consultez votre médecin avant d’utiliser
Gymform® Leg Fitness.
Si vous souffrez d’une hernie discale,
consultez votre médecin avant d’utiliser
Gymform® Leg Fitness.
Si vous avez de l’asthme ou souffrez de
toute autre maladie respiratoire, consultez
votre médecin avant d’utiliser Gymform®
Leg Fitness.
Placez toujours Gymform® Leg Fitness sur
une surface plane.
Veillez à ce que les enfants n’utilisent Gym-
form® Leg Fitness que sous la surveillance
d’un adulte.
N’utilisez pas Gymform® Leg Fitness si
vous êtes enceinte.
Ne consommez pas de boissons alcoolisées
lorsque vous utilisez Gymform® Leg
Buvez de l’eau après avoir utilisé Gym-
form® Leg Fitness.
Gymform® Leg Fitness supporte un poids
maximum de 100 kg.
Avertissement : « Ne convient pas à un
usage thérapeutique »
Pour réaliser les
exercices de
façon confortable
et sûre, veillez à
ce qu’il y ait un
espace dégagé
d’au moins 60 cm
tout autour de
- Montez l’appareil en respectant les
instructions d’installation et utilisez unique-
ment les éléments spécifiques de l’appareil
qui y sont mentionnés. Avant le montage,
vérifiez le bordereau pour vous assurer que
vous avez reçu tous les composants et
comparez le contenu de la boîte avec les
étapes de montage des instructions
d’installation et d’utilisation pour être sûr
qu’il ne manque rien.
- Vérifiez que toutes les vis, les écrous et
autres raccords sont correctement serrés
avant d’utiliser l’appareil pour la première
fois, puis à intervalles réguliers pour garan-
tir la sécurité de l’appareil.
- Montez l’appareil dans un lieu sec et plat,
et protégez-le de l’humidité et de l’eau. Les
irrégularités du sol doivent être com-
pensées par des moyens adéquats et avec
les éléments réglables de l’appareil s’il y en
a. Assurez-vous que l’appareil ne soit pas
au contact de l’humidité ni de l’eau.
- N’utilisez pas de produits agressifs pour
nettoyer l’appareil et servez-vous unique-
ment des outils fournis ou d’autres outils
appropriés pour effectuer le montage et
d’éventuelles réparations. Nettoyez les
gouttes de sueur de l’appareil immédiate-
ment après l’entraînement.
- Entraînez-vous avec l’appareil unique-
ment s’il fonctionne correctement. Utilisez
des pièces de rechange originales pour
effectuer d’éventuelles réparations.
MISE EN GARDE : Remplacez immédiate-
ment les pièces usées et ne les utilisez pas
jusqu’à ce qu’elles soient réparées.
- Pour éviter tout risque de lésion,
d’incendie ou de dommage, adoptez les
mesures de sécurité de base lorsque vous
utilisez cet appareil.
Cet appareil peut être utilisé par des enfants
âgés de 8 ans et plus, par des personnes
dont les capacités physiques, sensorielles
ou mentales sont limitées ou par des
personnes dépourvues de l’expérience et
des connaissances nécessaires, à condition
que ces utilisateurs soient encadrés ou
aient reçu les instructions pertinentes pour
utiliser l’appareil en toute sécurité et qu’ils
comprennent les risques que cela implique.
Les enfants ne doivent pas jouer avec
l’appareil. En l’absence de surveillance, les
enfants ne doivent pas nettoyer l’appareil ni
assurer son entretien.
- Avant d’utiliser l’appareil pour la première
fois, vérifiez que tous ses composants sont
en bon état. Si les composants sont endom-
magés, n’utilisez pas l’appareil et retourn-
ez-le au magasin.
- Cet appareil est destiné à un usage
personnel en intérieur et non à un usage
- Le distributeur ne peut pas être tenu
responsable des dommages ni des pertes
découlant d’une utilisation non conforme de
- Ne sautez pas sur l’appareil, vous pourriez
- N’essayez jamais de réparer vous-même
l’appareil. Consultez un spécialiste en cas
de problème.
- L’appareil ne doit être utilisé que par une
seule personne lors de chaque séance. Il ne
doit pas être utilisé par plus d’une personne
à la fois.
- En cas de gêne ou d’étourdissement,
cessez immédiatement d’utiliser l’appareil.
Consultez immédiatement un médecin si
vous ne vous sentez pas bien, si vous
sentez une douleur dans la poitrine ou si
vous présentez d’autres symptômes.
- Si cela fait longtemps que vous ne faites
pas d’exercice physique ou si vous souffrez
d’une maladie cardiaque, de troubles de la
circulation ou de problèmes orthopédiques,
consultez le médecin avant d’utiliser
- Les enfants doivent être surveillés en
permanence afin d’éviter qu’ils jouent avec
Mise en garde : si l’un des éléments régla-
bles n’est pas bien fixé, il pourrait entraver
le mouvement de l’utilisateur.
1. Retirez le produit plié de la boîte.
2. Faites glisser le levier de verrouillage vers le haut.
3. Retirez le goujon de verrouillage.
4. Appuyez sur les deux plates-formes en utilisant leurs
pédales respectives afin de déplier le produit.
5. Relevez la barre du guidon
6. Faites glisser le levier de verrouillage vers le bas.
7. Insérez le goujon de verrouillage.
8. Tenez-vous au guidon. Montez sur les pédales du produit
en faisant preuve de prudence. Ne montez pas brusquement
sur les pédales.
9. Ouvrez et fermez plusieurs fois vos jambes pendant que
vous réalisez l’exercice.
AVVERTISSEMENT : évitez de tomber et éloignez-vous lorsque
la pédale s'arrête complètement
Pour ranger facilement l’appareil :
• Soulevez les plates-formes latérales
• Placez les pédales l’une au-dessus de l’autre
* Si vous ne positionnez pas correctement ces pédales, vous
ne serez pas en mesure de plier le produit
• Abaissez le guidon et verrouillez-le à l’aide de l’interrupteur
et du goujon
• Positionnez les plates-formes dans la zone prévue à cet
effet, de sorte qu’elles soient verrouillées en position pliée
Pour nettoyer l’appareil, utilisez un chiffon humide.
Gymform® Leg Fitness
Modèle VDPVACIND0032
Poids maximum de l’utilisateur : 100 kg
Espace approximatif occupé : H 100 cm x W 120cm x D
Espace occupé plié : H 70 cm x W 50 cm X D 40 cm
Poids approximatif : 4 kg
Ce produit est conforme à la norme EN ISO 20957-1:2013.
Cet appareil est couvert par une garantie contre les défauts
de fabrication, dont la durée dépend de la législation en
vigueur dans chaque pays.
Cette garantie ne couvre pas les dommages résultant d'une
utilisation inappropriée, d'une négligence de la part du
commerçant, d'une usure anormale, d'accidents ou d'une
mauvaise manipulation.
Fabriqué en Chine.
Read the instruction manual before
using the Gymform® Leg Fitness for
the first time.
If you have any doubts about your
physical fitness or if you are suffering
from any form of illness, always con-
sult your doctor before using the Gym-
form® Leg Fitness.
If you are suffering from a herniated
disc, consult your doctor before using
the Gymform® Leg Fitness.
If you suffer from asthma or any other
respiratory illness, consult your doctor
before using the Gymform® Leg
Always place the Gymform® Leg
Fitness on a flat surface.
Make sure children do not use the
Gymform® Leg Fitness without adult
Do not use the Gymform® Leg Fitness
if you are pregnant.
Do not consume alcoholic drinks while
using the Gymform® Leg Fitness.
Drink water after using the Gymform®
Leg Fitness.
The maximum weight allowed on the
Gymform® Leg Fitness is 100 kg.
Warning: Not for therapeutic use.
For a safe,
c o m f o r t a b l e
workout, leave
a minimum of
0.6 m of free
space around
the device.
- Assemble the machine exactly as
described in the installation instruc-
tions and use only the specific parts
enclosed. Before assembly, make sure
that all the items on the delivery notice
are included with the delivery and that
the box contains all the parts men-
tioned in the assembly steps in the
installation and operating instructions.
- Check the tightness of all screws,
nuts and other connections before
using the machine for the first time
and at regular intervals to ensure that
the machine is safe to use.
- Set up the machine in a dry, level
place and protect it from moisture and
water. Uneven sections of the floor
should be compensated for by taking
suitable measures and using the
adjustable parts of the machine (when
installed). Ensure that no contact
occurs with moisture or water.
- Do not use harsh cleaning agents to
clean the machine. Use only the tools
supplied or suitable tools of your own
to assemble the machine and for any
necessary repairs. Remove drops of
sweat from the machine immediately
after you finish working out.
- Work out on the machine only when
it is in proper working order. Use only
original spare parts for any repairs
WARNING: Replace worn parts imme-
diately and do not use the machine
until they are replaced.
- To reduce the risk of injury, fire and
damage, always follow basic safety
precautions when using this device.
This device may be used by children
aged eight and over, by people with
reduced physical, sensory or mental
abilities, and by people lacking in
experience and knowledge if they are
appropriately supervised or given suit-
able instructions on the safe use of the
device and understand the dangers its
use entails. Children should not be
allowed to play with the device. Chil-
dren should not clean or do mainte-
nance on the device without supervi-
- Make sure the product components
are in good condition before using the
device the first time. If the compo-
nents are damaged, the machine
cannot be used. Please return it to
your store.
- The device is for personal indoor
use only. It is not designed for com-
mercial use.
- The distributor is not liable for any
loss or damage caused by misuse of
the device.
- Do not jump on the device. This may
damage the unit.
- Never try to service the machine
yourself. Consult an expert about the
- The machine can be used by only
one person per session. It should not
be used by more than one person at
the same time.
- Stop using the machine immediate-
ly if you feel uncomfortable or dizzy.
Consult a physician immediately if you
do not feel well or have chest pain or
any other symptoms.
- If you have not done exercise for a
long time or if you have a heart condi-
tion, a circulatory disorder or an ortho-
paedic problem, consult a physician
before using the machine.
- Children should be supervised at all
times to ensure that they do not play
with the machine.
1. Take the folded product out of the box.
2. Slide the lock switch up.
3. Remove the lock pin.
4. To unfold the product, push each platform with pedal
down to the floor.
5. Raise the handlebar.
6. Slide the lock switch down.
7. Insert the lock pin.
8. Hold on to the handlebar. Carefully step on the pedals.
Do not do it too quickly.
9. Repeatedly open and close your legs during the
WARNING: Avoid falling and walk away when the pedal
comes to a complete stop
To easily store the device:
• Raise the side pedals
• Place one pedal on top of the other
* if the pedals are not in the right position, the product
will not fold up
• Lower the handlebar, slide the lock switch down and
insert the lock pin
• Place the platforms in the indicated area so they are
folded up and locked
Periodically wipe the unit with a damp cloth.
Model No. VDPVACIND0032
Class HC
This product meets the requirements of Standard
Directive EN ISO 20957-1:2013.
Gymform® Leg Fitness
Class HC
Maximum user weight: 100 kg
Approximate space requirements: H 100 cm x W 120cm
x D 40cm
Approximate space requirements when folded: H 70 cm x
W 50 cm X D 40 cm
Approximate weight: 4 kg
This product meets the requirements of Standard
Directive EN ISO 20957-1:2013.
This product is covered by a warranty against manufac-
turing defects subject to the time periods stipulated by the
legislation in force in each country.
This warranty does not cover damage resulting from
inadequate use, negligent commercial use, abnormal
wear and tear, accidents or improper handling.
Australia & New Zealand only
This product has the benefit of certain Consumer Guaran-
tees. These are prescribed by the Australian Consumer Law
& the New Zealand Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 both of
which provide protection for consumers. There is no
express warranty for this product in Australia or New
Zealand. The above paragraph refers to other countries.
Made in China.

Leggere il manuale di istruzioni prima
di usare Gymform® Leg Fitness per la
prima volta.
In caso di dubbi sul proprio stato fisico
o in caso di condizioni di salute partico-
lari, consultare un medico prima di
usare Gymform® Leg Fitness.
In caso di ernia discale, consultare un
medico prima di usare Gymform® Leg
In caso di asma o altre malattie respira-
torie, consultare un medico prima di
usare Gymform® Leg Fitness.
Posizionare sempre Gymform® Leg
Fitness su una superficie piana.
I bambini non devono usare
Gymform® Leg Fitness senza la super-
visione di un adulto.
Non usare Gymform® Leg Fitness in
caso di gravidanza.
Non consumare bevande alcoliche
durante l'uso del Gymform® Leg
Dopo aver usato Gymform® Leg
Fitness bere dell'acqua.
Gymform® Leg Fitness sopporta un
peso massimo di 100 kg.
Avvertenza: "Prodotto non destinato
all’uso terapeutico"
Per potersi
allenare in modo
sicuro e
conf ort evole,
lasciare un
p e r i m e t r o
minimo di spazio
libero di 0,6 m.
- Montare l’attrezzo come descritto
nelle istruzioni di installazione usando
solo le parti specifiche dell’attrezzo
indicate nelle istruzioni. Prima di
montare l’attrezzo, verificare che siano
presenti tutti i componenti e fare un
raffronto tra il contenuto della scatola e
i passi di montaggio da seguire indicati
nelle istruzioni di installazione e uso,
per accertarsi che non manchi nessun
- Verificare che tutte le viti, i dadi e gli
altri elementi di giunzione siano serrati
correttamente prima di usare l’attrezzo
per la prima volta e tornare a verificare
regolarmente per garantire la sicurezza
- Montare l’attrezzo in un luogo asciut-
to e su una superficie piana, lontano da
sorgenti di umidità e dall’acqua. Se il
suolo presenta zone irregolari, queste
devono essere compensate in modo
adeguato e con le parti regolabili
dell’attrezzo, se installate. Assicurarsi
che l’attrezzo non entri in contatto con
umidità o acqua.
- Non applicare prodotti aggressivi per
pulire l’attrezzo e usare solo gli utensili
forniti o utensili adeguati per montare
l’attrezzo e realizzare le riparazioni
necessarie. Pulire le gocce di sudore
che possono trovarsi sull’attrezzo
subito dopo l’allenamento.
- Allenarsi con l’attrezzo solo se
questo funziona in modo corretto.
Usare i pezzi di ricambio originali per
riparare l’attrezzo, quando necessario.
AVVERTENZA: Sostituire immediata-
mente i pezzi usurati e usare l’attrezzo
solo una volta completata la riparazi-
- Durante l’uso di questo attrezzo
adottare sempre le precauzioni di
sicurezza di base per ridurre il rischio di
lesioni, incendi e danni.
Questo attrezzo può essere utilizzato
da bambini di età non inferiore a 8 anni
e da persone con ridotte capacità
fisiche, sensoriali o mentali o con
esperienza e conoscenze insufficienti,
purché attentamente sorvegliati e
istruiti riguardo l’uso in sicurezza
dell’attrezzo e purché siano consape-
voli dei rischi connessi. I bambini non
devono giocare con l’attrezzo. I bambi-
ni non devono eseguire operazioni di
pulizia e manutenzione dell’attrezzo
senza la supervisione di un adulto.
- Controllare che i componenti del
prodotto siano in buone condizioni
prima di utilizzare l’attrezzo per la
prima volta. Se i componenti sono
danneggiati, non usare l’attrezzo e
restituirlo al negozio.
- Questo attrezzo è stato progettato
per l’uso personale in ambienti interni e
non per l’uso commerciale.
- Il rivenditore non è responsabile di
danni o perdite provocati da un uso
anomalo dell’attrezzo.
- Non saltare sull’attrezzo, in quanto si
potrebbe danneggiare.
- Non cercare mai di riparare l’attrezzo
personalmente; consultare un esperto.
- L’attrezzo è pensato per essere usato
da una sola persona per sessione. Non
deve essere usato da più di una perso-
na alla volta.
- Interrompere immediatament
l’utilizzo dell’attrezzo in caso di disturb
o vertigini. Rivolgersi immediatament
al medico in caso di malessere, dolor
al petto o altri sintomi.
- Se non si pratica esercizio da temp
o in caso di patologie cardiache, distur-
bi circolatori o problemi ortopedici,
consultare il medico prima di usare
- Supervisionare sempre i bambini per
assicurarsi che non giochino con il
Attenzione: Se uno qualsiasi dei
componenti regolabili non è fissato
correttamente, potrebbe interferire con
il movimento dell’utente.
1. Rimuovere il prodotto piegato dalla scatola.
2. Far scorrere la leva di bloccaggio verso l'alto.
3. Rimuovere il perno di bloccaggio.
4. Premere sulle due pedane con i rispettivi pedali
lateralmente per aprire il prodotto.
5. Sollevare la barra del manubrio
6. Far scorrere la leva di bloccaggio verso il basso.
7. Inserire il perno di bloccaggio.
8. Afferrare il manubrio. Salire sui pedali del prodotto
con cautela. Non farlo bruscamente.
9. Durante l'esercizio, aprire e chiudere le gambe
AVVERTENZA: evitare di cadere e allontanarsi quando il
pedale si ferma completamente
Per una facile conservazione dell’apparecchio:
• Sollevare le pedane laterali
• Posizionare i pedali uno sopra l'altro
*se non si posizionano correttamente i pedali, il
prodotto non potrà essere piegato
• Abbassare il manubrio e bloccarlo con la leva e il
• Posizionare le pedane nell'area prevista in modo che
si blocchino ripiegate
È possibile pulire l'apparecchio con un panno umido
Gymform® Leg Fitness
Modello n. VDPVACIND0032
Peso massimo utente: 100 kg
Requisiti di spazio indicativi: H 100 cm x W 120cm x D
Requisiti di spazio con l’attrezzo piegato: H 70 cm x W
50 cm X D 40 cm
Peso approssimativo: 4 kg
Questo prodotto è conforme alla norma EN ISO
Questo prodotto è garantito contro ogni difetto di
fabbricazione per il tempo previsto dalla legislazione
Sono esplicitamente esclusi dalla garanzia i danni
derivanti da uso improprio, uso commerciale negligente,
usura anormale, incidenti o manomissioni.
Made in China.
Lesen Sie vor der ersten Benutzung von
Gymform® Leg Fitness immer erst die
Gebrauchsanleitung durch.
Falls Sie Zweifel bezüglich Ihrer körperli-
chen Verfassung haben oder an irgendein-
er Krankheit leiden, konsultieren Sie Ihren
Arzt, ehe Sie Gymform® Leg Fitness
Im Fall eines Bandscheibenvorfalls vor
dem Gebrauch von Gymform® Leg
Fitness den Arzt konsultieren.
Wenn Sie an Asthma oder einer anderen
Atemwegserkrankung leiden, konsultieren
Sie Ihren Arzt, ehe Sie Gymform® Leg
Fitness verwenden.
Stellen Sie Gymform® Leg Fitness nur auf
einer ebenen Fläche auf.
Stellen Sie sicher, dass Kinder Gymform®
Leg Fitness nur unter Aufsicht eines
Erwachsenen nutzen.
Bei Schwangerschaft Gymform® Leg
Fitness nicht verwenden.
Während der Benutzung von Gymform®
Leg Fitness keine alkoholischen Getränke
Nach der Benutzung von Gymform® Leg
Fitness Wasser trinken.
Gymform® Leg Fitness ist für ein
Körpergewicht von maximal 100 kg
Warnhinweis: „Nicht für den thera-
peutischen Gebrauch gedacht“
Für eine sichere
und bequeme
der Übungen
muss um das
mindestens 0,6 m freier Platz zur Verfü-
gung stehen.
- Das Gerät gemäß der in der Montag-
eanleitung enthaltenen Beschreibung unter
ausschließlicher Verwendung der darin
beschriebenen Geräteteile zusammenbau-
en. Vor dem Zusammenbau anhand des
Lieferscheins prüfen, ob sämtliche
Bestandteile angeliefert wurden, und den
Kartoninhalt mit den jeweiligen Montag-
eschritten der Montageanleitung
vergleichen, um sicherzustellen, dass
nichts fehlt.
- Vor der ersten und regelmäßigen
Verwendung des Geräts prüfen, ob sämtli-
che Schrauben, Muttern und andere
Verbindungselemente fest angezogen sind,
um die sichere Gerätebenutzung sicher-
- Das Gerät an einem trockenen und
ebenen Ort, gegen Feuchtigkeit und Wasser
geschützt, aufbauen. Unregelmäßigkeiten
des Bodens müssen mit geeigneten Mitteln
und den jeweils einstellbaren Geräteteilen,
falls vorhanden, ausgeglichen werden.
Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Gerät weder mit
Feuchtigkeit noch mit Wasser in Kontakt
- Für die Gerätereinigung keine aggres-
siven Reinigungsmittel verwenden. Für die
Montage und die Ausführung von Repara-
turen ausschließlich die mitgelieferten bzw.
andere geeignete Werkzeuge verwenden.
Schweißtropfen direkt nach dem Training
vom Gerät entfernen.
- Mit dem Gerät darf nur trainiert werden,
wenn dieses problemlos funktioniert. Für
eventuell nötige Reparaturen Originaler-
satzteile verwenden.
WARNHINWEIS: Abgenutzte Teile müssen
sofort ersetzt werden; diese nicht
verwenden, bis sie nicht repariert sind.
- Bei der Benutzung des Geräts immer die
grundlegenden Sicherheitsmaßnahmen
ergreifen, um die Gefahr von Verletzungen,
Brand oder Sachschäden zu verringern.
Dieses Gerät kann von Kindern über 8
Jahren und Personen mit physischen,
sensorischen oder geistigen Behinderun-
gen bzw. fehlender Kenntnis und Erfahrung
benutzt werden, wenn sie eine entsprech-
ende Aufsicht und Unterweisung erhalten
und die mit dem Gerät verbundenen
Gefahren verstanden haben. Kinder dürfen
nicht mit diesem Gerät spielen. Kinder
dürfen unbeaufsichtigt das Gerät weder
reinigen noch warten.
- Vor der erstmaligen Benutzung ist
sicherzustellen, dass sich alle Komponent-
en des Geräts in einem guten Zustand
befinden. Im Fall von beschädigten Kompo-
nenten darf das Gerät nicht benutzt und
muss an die Verkaufsstelle zurückgegeben
- Dieses Gerät ist für den persönlichen
und nicht kommerziellen Gebrauch in
Innenräumen konzipiert.
- Der Verkäufer haftet nicht für durch
unsachgemäße Verwendung des Geräts
verursachte Schäden oder Verluste.
- Nicht auf das Gerät springen, es könnte
dadurch beschädigt werden.
- Nie versuchen, das Gerät selbst zu
reparieren; bei jeglichem Problem ist eine
Fachkraft zu konsultieren.
- Das Gerät ist für die Nutzung von einer
Person pro Trainingssession konzipiert. Es
darf nicht von mehr als einer Person
gleichzeitig verwendet werden.
- Die Verwendung des Geräts ist bei
Unwohlsein oder Schmerzen unverzüglich
zu unterbrechen. Gehen Sie sofort zum
Arzt, wenn Sie sich unwohl fühlen, Schmer-
zen in der Brust haben oder andere Symp-
tome aufweisen.
- Wenn das letzte Training schon länger her
ist oder Sie an irgendeiner Herzkrankheit,
Durchblutungsstörung oder einem orthopä-
dischen Problem leiden, konsultieren Sie vor
der Benutzung des Geräts .Ihren Arzt.
Kinder müssen durchgehend beaufsichtigt
werden, um sicherzustellen, dass sie nicht
mit dem Gerät spielen.
Warnung: Falls einige der verstellbaren Teile
nicht gut gefestigt sind, können Sie die
Bewegungen des Benutzers beeinträchtigen.
1. Das zusammengeklappte Gerät aus der Verpackung
2. Sperrhebel nach oben schieben.
3. Sicherungsstift herausziehen.
4. Zum Aufstellen des Produkts die beiden Geräteständer
mit ihren Fußplatten auseinanderdrücken.
5. Griffstange ausziehen.
6. Sperrhebel nach unten schieben.
7. Sicherungsstift einführen.
8. Sich am Griff festhalten. Mit Vorsicht auf die Fußplatten
des Produkts steigen. Nicht zu schnell vorgehen.
9. Während des Trainings die Beine wiederholt öffnen und
WARNUNG: Vermeiden Sie es, zu fallen und wegzugehen,
wenn das Pedal vollständig zum Stillstand kommt
Für eine problemlose Aufbewahrung:
• Geräteständer anheben und oben zusammenführen,
• Fußplatten jeweils übereinander positionieren.
*Das Produkt kann nicht zusammengeklappt werden, wenn
die Fußplatten nicht richtig positioniert sind.
• Griffstange einschieben und mit dem Sperrhebel und
Sicherungsstift blockieren.
• Die Ständer müssen zur Aufbewahrung wie angegeben so
zusammengeklappt werden, dass sie sich gegenseitig
Das Produkt kann mit einem feuchten Tuch gereinigt
Gymform® Leg Fitness
Modell Nr. VDPVACIND0032
Maximales Gewicht des Benutzers: 100 kg
Ungefährer Platzbedarf:
H 100 cm x W 120cm x D
Platzbedarf in zusammengeklapptem Zustand:
H 70 cm x
W 50 cm X D 40 cm
Ungefähres Gewicht: 4 kg
Dieses Produkt erfüllt die Standardrichtlinie EN ISO 20957-
Hergestellt in China.
Leia o manual de instruções antes de
utilizar o Gymform® Leg Fitness pela
primeira vez.
Se tiver dúvidas sobre a sua condição
física ou se sofrer de uma doença,
consulte o seu médico antes de utilizar o
Gymform® Leg Fitness.
Se tiver uma hérnia discal, consulte o seu
médico antes de utilizar o Gymform® Leg
Se sofrer de asma ou de qualquer outra
afeção respiratória, consulte o seu
médico antes de utilizar o Gymform® Leg
Coloque sempre o Gymform® Leg
Fitness sobre uma superfície plana.
Certifique-se de que as crianças não
utilizam o Gymform® Leg Fitness sem a
supervisão de um adulto.
Não utilize o Gymform® Leg Fitness se
estiver grávida.
Não consuma bebidas alcoólicas durante
a utilização do Gymform® Leg Fitness.
Beba água depois de utilizar o Gymform®
Leg Fitness.
O Gymform® Leg Fitness suporta um
peso máximo de 100 kg.
Advertência: “Não apto para utilização
ara poder fazer
xercício de forma
egura e confortável,
eixe um perímetro
ínimo de espaço
re de 0,6 m.
- Monte o aparelho exatamente como
descrito nas instruções de instalação e
utilize apenas as partes específicas
indicadas nas mesmas. Antes de montar
este aparelho, comprove a guia de
remessa p
ara se assegurar de que
recebeu todos os componentes e
compare o conteúdo da caixa com os
passos de montagem das instruções de
instalação e utilização para ser certificar
de que não falta nada.
- Comprove se todos os parafusos, as
porcas e as restantes uniões estão bem
apertados antes de utilizar o aparelho
pela primeira vez e em intervalos
regulares, para garantir a sua segurança.
- Monte o aparelho num lugar seco e
plano e proteja-o da humidade e da água.
As zonas irregulares do solo devem ser
compensadas com meios adequados e
com as partes reguláveis do aparelho, se
estiverem instaladas. Certifique-se de
que o aparelho não entra em contacto
com humidade nem água.
- Não utilize produtos agressivos para
limpar o aparelho e empregue unica-
mente as ferramentas proporcionadas ou
outras adequadas para o montar e
realizar as reparações que forem
necessárias. Limpe as gotas de suor do
aparelho imediatamente depois do treino.
- Treine com o aparelho unicamente se
estiver a funcionar corretamente. Utilize
peças sobresselentes originais para as
reparações que sejam necessárias.
AVISO: Substitua imediatamente as peças
gastas e não as utilize enquanto não
estiverem reparadas.
- Quando ajustar as peças reguláveis,
certifique-se de que a posição é correta e
que respeita as posições de regulação
máximas sinalizadas. Da mesma forma,
certifique-se de que a nova posição de
regulação está bem fixada.
- Tome sempre as precauções de segu-
rança básicas quando utilizar o aparelho
para reduzir o risco de lesões, de incêndio
ou de danos.
Este aparelho pode ser utilizado por
crianças com 8 ou mais anos e por
pessoas com capacidades físicas, senso-
riais ou mentais limitadas ou com falta de
experiência e conhecimento, se forem
supervisionadas ou tiverem recebido
instruções para a sua utilização segura e
compreenderem os perigos associados.
As crianças não devem brincar com o
aparelho. As crianças não devem realizar
a limpeza nem a manutenção do aparelho
sem supervisão.
- Certifique-se de que os componentes
do aparelho estão em bom estado antes
de o utilizar pela primeira vez. Se os
componentes estiverem danificados, não
utilize o aparelho e devolva-o à loja.
- Este aparelho foi concebido para uma
utilização pessoal em interiores e não
para a sua utilização comercial.
- O distribuidor não se responsabiliza
pelos danos ou perdas causados por uma
utilização indevida do aparelho.
- Não salte em cima do aparelho, pois
poderia danificá-lo.
- Nunca tente reparar o aparelho
pessoalmente; fale sobre o problema a
um técnico.
- Realize exercícios de aquecimento
antes de começar a utilizar o aparelho.
Comece por fazer os exercícios devagar e
vá aumentando a intensidade progressi-
- Este aparelho foi concebido para ser
utilizado por uma pessoa por sessão. Não
deve ser utilizado por mais de uma
pessoa ao mesmo tempo.
- Se não praticar exercício há algum
tempo ou se sofrer de alguma doença
cardíaca, de transtornos circulatórios ou
de problemas ortopédicos, consulte um
médico antes de utilizar o aparelho.
- As crianças devem ser sempre super-
visionadas para garantir que não brincam
com o aparelho.
Advertência: se alguma das peças
reguláveis não ficar bem instalada, pode
interferir no movimento do utilizador.
1. Retire o produto dobrado da caixa.
2. Mova o mecanismo de bloqueio para cima.
3. Retire o pino de bloqueio.
4. Pressione as duas plataformas com os seus respetivos
pedais para os lados a fim de desdobrar o produto.
5. Levante a barra do manípulo
6. Mova o mecanismo de bloqueio para baixo.
7. Introduza o pino de bloqueio.
8. Agarre o manípulo. Pise nos pedais do produto com
cautela. Não o faça de forma abrupta.
9. Abra e feche as pernas repetidamente durante o
AVISO: Evite cair e andar para longe quando o pedal parar
Para guardar o aparelho facilmente:
• Levante as plataformas laterais
• Coloque os pedais um em cima do outro
*se estes pedais não estiverem posicionados
corretamente, o aparelho não pode ser dobrado
• Baixe o manípulo e fixe-o com o mecanismo de
bloqueio e o pino
• Posicione as plataformas na área pretendida para que
fiquem bloqueadas quando dobradas
Pode limpar o aparelho com um pano húmido.
Gymform® Leg Fitness
Modelo n.º VDPVACIND0032
Peso máximo do utilizador: 100 kg
Requisito de espaço aproximado:
H 100 cm x W
120cm x D 40cm
Requisito de espaço dobrado:
H 70 cm x W 50 cm X
D 40 cm
Peso aproximado: 4 kg
Este produto cumpre a diretiva EN ISO 20957-1:2013.
Este produto está coberto por uma garantia contra
defeitos de fabrico sujeita aos prazos estipulados pela
legislação em vigor em cada país.
Esta garantia não cobre os danos decorrentes de uma
utilização inadequada, utilização comercial negligente,
desgaste anormal, acidentes ou manipulação indevida.
Fabricado na China.
Deutsch Italiano Português
Lees altijd de instructiehandleiding door
alvorens Gymform® Leg Fitnes voor het
eerst te gebruiken.
Hebt u twijfels over uw lichamelijke conditie
of lijdt u aan een ziekte, raadpleeg dan uw
arts alvorens Gymform® Leg Fitness te
Hebt u last van een hernia van de tussenw-
ervelschijf, raadpleeg dan uw arts alvorens
Gymform® Leg Fitness te gebruiken.
Lijdt u aan astma of een andere aandoening
van de luchtwegen, raadpleeg dan uw arts
alvorens Gymform® Leg Fitness te
Plaats de Gymform® Leg Fitness altijd op
een vlakke ondergrond.
Let er op dat kinderen de Gymform® Leg
Fitness niet gebruiken zonder toezicht van
een volwassene.
Gebruik de Gymform® Leg Fitness niet als
u zwanger bent.
Drink geen alcohol tijdens het gebruik van
de Gymform® Leg Fitness.
Drink water nadat u de Gymform® Leg
Fitness hebt gebruikt.
De Gymform® Leg Fitness is bestand tegen
een gewicht van maximaal 100 kg.
Waarschuwing: “Niet bestemd voor thera-
peutisch gebruik”.
Om op een veilige en
omfortabele manier
efeningen te doen,
moet u rond het
oestel minimaal 0,6
m vrij houden.
- Monteer het apparaat precies zoals
beschreven in de gebruikershandleiding en
gebruik uitsluitend de specifieke onderdel-
en van het apparaat die daarin zijn aange-
geven. Controleer vóór montage de lever-
ingsbon om er zeker van te zijn dat u alle
componenten hebt ontvangen en vergelijk
de inhoud van de doos met de montag-
estappen in de montage- en gebruiker-
shandleiding om er zeker van te zijn dat er
niets ontbreekt.
- Controleer of alle schroeven, moeren en
andere verbindingen goed vastzitten
voordat u het apparaat voor het eerst
gebruikt. Doe dit regelmatig om er zeker
van te zijn dat het apparaat veilig is.
- Installeer het apparaat op een droge,
vlakke plaats en bescherm het tegen vocht
en water. Oneffenheden in de vloer moeten
worden gecompenseerd met geschikte
middelen en de verstelbare onderdelen van
het apparaat, indien deze zijn gemonteerd.
Zorg ervoor dat het apparaat niet in contact
komt met vocht of water.
- Gebruik geen bijtende producten om het
apparaat te reinigen en gebruik uitsluitend
het meegeleverde gereedschap of ander
geschikt gereedschap om het apparaat te
monteren en de nodige reparaties uit te
voeren. Verwijder zweetdruppels direct na
het trainen van het apparaat.
- Train alleen met het apparaat als het goed
werkt. Gebruik originele reserveonderdelen
voor eventuele reparaties.
WAARSCHUWING: vervang versleten onder-
delen onmiddellijk en gebruik ze niet totdat
ze gerepareerd zijn.
- Neem altijd de basisveiligheidsmaatregel-
en bij het gebruik van dit apparaat om het
risico op letsel, brand of schade te beperken.
Dit apparaat mag worden gebruikt door
kinderen vanaf 8 jaar en personen met
beperkte lichamelijke, sensoriële of
psychische vermogens, of zonder ervaring
of kennis, mits zij onder toezicht staan of
aanwijzingen hebben ontvangen over een
veilig gebruik van het apparaat en de
mogelijke gevaren daarvan onderkennen.
Kinderen mogen niet met het apparaat
spelen. Reinigings- en onder-
houdswerkzaamheden aan het apparaat
mogen niet zonder toezicht door kinderen
worden uitgevoerd.
- Controleer of de onderdelen van het
product in goede staat verkeren voordat u
het apparaat voor de eerste keer gebruikt.
Als de onderdelen beschadigd zijn, gebruik
het apparaat dan niet en breng het terug
naar de winkel.
- Dit apparaat is ontworpen voor persoonli-
jk gebruik binnenshuis en niet voor
commercieel gebruik.
- De distributeur stelt zich niet aansprakeli-
jk voor schade of verliezen die het gevolg
zijn van een verkeerd gebruik van het appa-
- Spring niet op het apparaat, want het kan
hierdoor beschadigd raken.
- Probeer nooit zelf het apparaat te repar-
eren maar doe een beroep op een deskun-
- Het apparaat is ontworpen om slechts
door één persoon per sessie te worden
gebruikt. Het mag niet door meer dan één
persoon tegelijk worden gebruikt.
- Stop het gebruik van het apparaat onmid-
dellijk als u zich onwel of duizelig voelt. Ga
meteen naar de dokter als u zich niet goed
voelt, pijn op de borst voelt of andere symp-
tomen ervaart.
- Als u lange tijd niet hebt getraind of als u
een hartaandoening, bloedsomloopstoor-
nissen of orthopedische problemen hebt,
raadpleeg dan uw arts voordat u het appa-
raat gebruikt.
- Houd altijd toezicht op kinderen om
ervoor te zorgen dat ze niet met het appa-
raat spelen.
Waarschuwing: als een van de weerstands-
knoppen los hangt, kan dat de bewegingen
van de gebruiker hinderen.
1. Haal het opgeklapte toestel uit de doos.
2. Klap de vergrendelpal op.
3. Verwijder de borgpen.
4. Druk beide platformen met de bijbehorende pedalen naar
de zijkanten om het product open te klappen.
5. Trek het stuur omhoog.
6. Klap de vergrendelpal neer.
7. Breng de borgpen aan.
8. Neem het stuur vast. Stap voorzichtig op de pedalen van
het toestel. Doe dit niet te bruusk.
9. Open en sluit uw benen herhaaldelijk tijdens de
WAARSCHUWING: Voorkom vallen en loop weg wanneer het
pedaal volledig tot stilstand komt
Doe het volgende om het toestel makkelijk op te bergen:
• Til de zijplatformen op.
• Plaats het ene pedaal boven het andere.
*Als de pedalen niet goed zitten, kunt u het toestel niet
• Laat het stuur zakken en blokkeer het met de pal en de
• Plaats de platformen in de daarvoor bedoelde zone om ze
samengeklapt te blokkeren.
U kunt het toestel schoonmaken met een vochtige doek.
Gymform® Leg Fitness
Model nr. VDPVACIND0032
Maximumgewicht van de gebruiker: 100 kg
Benodigde ruimte bij benadering:
H 100 cm x W 120cm
x D 40cm
Benodigde ruimte ingeklapt:
H 70 cm x W 50 cm X D 40
Gewicht bij benadering: 4 kg
Dit product voldoet aan de Richtlijn EN ISO 20957-1:2013.
Voor het product geldt een garantie tegen fabrieksfouten
gedurende de periode die in de wetgeving van elk betreffend
land is vastgelegd.
Onder de garantie valt niet de schade die het gevolg is van een
verkeerd gebruik, nalatig commercieel gebruik, abnormale
slijtage, ongelukken of onjuiste behandeling.
Made in China.
2 3 4 6
1 9875
Product Specifications
Brand: | Gymform |
Category: | Not categorized |
Model: | Leg Fitness |
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- Not categorized Axis
- Not categorized Tamron
- Not categorized Liebherr
- Not categorized Carson
- Not categorized Gourmetmaxx
- Not categorized Truelife
- Not categorized Busch-Jaeger
- Not categorized ETA
- Not categorized Voltcraft
- Not categorized Axor
- Not categorized Karran
- Not categorized Elkay
- Not categorized Varaluz
- Not categorized Extron
- Not categorized Lindy
- Not categorized Aputure
- Not categorized Netgear
- Not categorized Honor
- Not categorized XP-PEN
- Not categorized Danfoss
- Not categorized Riccar
- Not categorized Orbegozo
- Not categorized Media-tech
- Not categorized Kuppersbusch
- Not categorized Mebby
- Not categorized Pioneer
- Not categorized TONI&GUY
- Not categorized Summit
- Not categorized Accucold
- Not categorized EarFun
- Not categorized Toolcraft
- Not categorized Gram
- Not categorized Lorex
- Not categorized Catit
- Not categorized NuPrime
- Not categorized Ecler
- Not categorized Roccat
- Not categorized AudioControl
- Not categorized Elsner
- Not categorized Kask
- Not categorized Digitus
- Not categorized Cabasse
- Not categorized Koenic
- Not categorized Haier
- Not categorized Beaphar
- Not categorized Sure Petcare
- Not categorized Livall
- Not categorized Monogram
- Not categorized Sortimo
- Not categorized Unicol
- Not categorized Audio-Technica
- Not categorized Lian Li
- Not categorized JLab
- Not categorized Toa
- Not categorized Marantz
- Not categorized Knog
- Not categorized Rega
- Not categorized Vox
- Not categorized Mars Gaming
- Not categorized Kerbl
- Not categorized Metra
- Not categorized Pyle
- Not categorized Sencor
- Not categorized Hobby
- Not categorized Lenovo
- Not categorized Noctua
- Not categorized Klein Tools
- Not categorized LevelOne
- Not categorized Shure
- Not categorized Michael Todd Beauty
- Not categorized GRAUGEAR
- Not categorized Trixie
- Not categorized Schneider
- Not categorized Lorelli
- Not categorized Roland
- Not categorized OBSBOT
- Not categorized SuperTooth
- Not categorized Kluge
- Not categorized Bobrick
- Not categorized Signature Hardware
- Not categorized Martin
- Not categorized Kanto
- Not categorized Scott
- Not categorized Delta
- Not categorized Kindermann
- Not categorized Robern
- Not categorized Hortus
- Not categorized DeLock
- Not categorized Coyote
- Not categorized Kidde
- Not categorized Anker
- Not categorized Growatt
- Not categorized Nanoleaf
- Not categorized Grundig
- Not categorized Mistral
- Not categorized VMV
- Not categorized S.M.S.L
- Not categorized Privileg
- Not categorized MPM
- Not categorized PeakTech
- Not categorized Niceboy
- Not categorized Engenius
- Not categorized Khind
- Not categorized Amana
- Not categorized EMOS
- Not categorized CyberPower
- Not categorized KitchenAid
- Not categorized RGBlink
- Not categorized Clean Air Optima
- Not categorized Manfrotto
- Not categorized Exquisit
- Not categorized Cosatto
- Not categorized Fluval
- Not categorized Kicker
- Not categorized Gude
- Not categorized Auna
- Not categorized Taurus
- Not categorized Heatit
- Not categorized Midland
- Not categorized Field Optics
- Not categorized Zebra
- Not categorized Yealink
- Not categorized FIMI
- Not categorized Optex
- Not categorized Frigidaire
- Not categorized Levoit
- Not categorized Maytag
- Not categorized Deye
- Not categorized Nibe
- Not categorized Ryobi
- Not categorized Dremel
- Not categorized Breville
- Not categorized Kodak
- Not categorized Velleman
- Not categorized Sharkoon
- Not categorized RIDGID
- Not categorized Laserliner
- Not categorized Segway
- Not categorized Power Dynamics
- Not categorized DataVideo
- Not categorized RGV
- Not categorized Hendi
- Not categorized Gamdias
- Not categorized Concept
- Not categorized BeamZ
- Not categorized Livoo
- Not categorized Nexa
- Not categorized Guzzanti
- Not categorized XO
- Not categorized Steinel
- Not categorized Bluesound
- Not categorized Flex
- Not categorized Chauvin Arnoux
- Not categorized Blackstar
- Not categorized Caso
- Not categorized Kenwood
- Not categorized Cambridge
- Not categorized Nobo
- Not categorized Dell
- Not categorized Ciarra
- Not categorized Brandson
- Not categorized Mybeo
- Not categorized Aplic
- Not categorized CSL
- Not categorized Zoom
- Not categorized Tru Components
- Not categorized Bearware
- Not categorized Moen
- Not categorized Viewsonic
- Not categorized B-tech
- Not categorized IMM Photonics
- Not categorized Maginon
- Not categorized Speco Technologies
- Not categorized Nec
- Not categorized IFi Audio
- Not categorized Tripp Lite
- Not categorized Nevir
- Not categorized Infiniton
- Not categorized Ag Neovo
- Not categorized Henry Engineering
- Not categorized Taco Tuesday
- Not categorized Wire Technologies
- Not categorized GPO
- Not categorized Block
- Not categorized Maxi-Cosi
- Not categorized Ufesa
- Not categorized Milwaukee
- Not categorized Smart-AVI
- Not categorized CAME-TV
- Not categorized A-Designs
- Not categorized EchoMaster
- Not categorized Crimson
- Not categorized Elgato
- Not categorized Corsair
- Not categorized Generac
- Not categorized EVE
- Not categorized Dahua Technology
- Not categorized Cambium Networks
- Not categorized Safety 1st
- Not categorized Scarlett
- Not categorized Axxess
- Not categorized Advance
- Not categorized Indesit
- Not categorized Daikin
- Not categorized Shoprider
- Not categorized Canon
- Not categorized VAIS Technology
- Not categorized Maxsa
- Not categorized Lincoln Electric
- Not categorized BRIO
- Not categorized AXESS
- Not categorized DAB
- Not categorized Be Cool
- Not categorized Jocel
- Not categorized Bluetti
- Not categorized Blaupunkt
- Not categorized ORNO
- Not categorized Thermaltake
- Not categorized Artsound
- Not categorized Simrad
- Not categorized Volcano
- Not categorized Nordic Winter
- Not categorized TechBite
- Not categorized NEP
- Not categorized Catlink
- Not categorized Cablexpert
- Not categorized Ansmann
- Not categorized Røde
- Not categorized Makita
- Not categorized Einhell
- Not categorized Avidsen
- Not categorized Elac
- Not categorized Lewitt
- Not categorized Anova
- Not categorized Posiflex
- Not categorized Planet
- Not categorized Biostar
- Not categorized Mitsubishi
- Not categorized HeadRush
- Not categorized Showtec
- Not categorized PCE
- Not categorized Hikvision
- Not categorized Sitecom
- Not categorized Navman
- Not categorized JIMMY
- Not categorized Laica
- Not categorized Equip
- Not categorized Conceptronic
- Not categorized Sirius
- Not categorized Noyafa
- Not categorized Yorkville
- Not categorized Toro
- Not categorized Intermatic
- Not categorized Spear & Jackson
- Not categorized Tower
- Not categorized Hubble Connected
- Not categorized McGregor
- Not categorized Habitat
- Not categorized MSR
- Not categorized Entes
- Not categorized V-Tac
- Not categorized Salton
- Not categorized Novation
- Not categorized Chipolino
- Not categorized Alphatronics
- Not categorized Fezz
- Not categorized Eden
- Not categorized Fuxtec
- Not categorized Megasat
- Not categorized SolaX Power
- Not categorized Valcom
- Not categorized Mikrotik
- Not categorized Yale
- Not categorized Mosconi
- Not categorized Tristar
- Not categorized Mophie
- Not categorized Kohler
- Not categorized Envertec
- Not categorized Celly
- Not categorized Metabo
- Not categorized Jabra
- Not categorized Alphacool
- Not categorized Cuisinart
- Not categorized Doepke
- Not categorized Lupine
- Not categorized Anton/Bauer
- Not categorized Dometic
- Not categorized JBL
- Not categorized Rigol
- Not categorized Joy-it
- Not categorized Body Solid
- Not categorized DeepCool
- Not categorized Kali Audio
- Not categorized Chief
- Not categorized Majority
- Not categorized Cybex
- Not categorized Iiyama
- Not categorized Nedis
- Not categorized Sharp
- Not categorized Crock-Pot
- Not categorized Helix
- Not categorized Genesis
- Not categorized Dyson
- Not categorized Elation
- Not categorized Magmatic
- Not categorized Supermicro
- Not categorized Zendure
- Not categorized Logilink
- Not categorized Majestic
- Not categorized Basetech
- Not categorized Leviton
- Not categorized Soundstream
- Not categorized PAC
- Not categorized Xaoc
- Not categorized Eldom
- Not categorized Fisher And Paykel
- Not categorized Hohner
- Not categorized Britax
- Not categorized Elba
- Not categorized Steiner
- Not categorized Vonroc
- Not categorized Worx
- Not categorized Brentwood
- Not categorized Philco
- Not categorized Bellari
- Not categorized Rolls
- Not categorized MSI
- Not categorized Chauvet
- Not categorized Ordo
- Not categorized Ground Zero
- Not categorized OnePlus
- Not categorized V7
- Not categorized Jenn-Air
- Not categorized CRUX
- Not categorized Karma
- Not categorized Ridem
- Not categorized Glemm
- Not categorized StarIink
- Not categorized HomeCraft
- Not categorized Nostalgia
- Not categorized GameDay
- Not categorized X-Lite
- Not categorized Söll
- Not categorized Sparkle
- Not categorized Edouard Rousseau
- Not categorized Caberg
- Not categorized Exped
- Not categorized Igloo
- Not categorized Heusinkveld
- Not categorized KED
- Not categorized EPEVER
- Not categorized Grothe
- Not categorized Cane Creek
- Not categorized Swiss Eye
- Not categorized SilverStone
- Not categorized Goodis
- Not categorized TFA
- Not categorized X Rocker
- Not categorized Dreame
- Not categorized Foreo
- Not categorized Tesla
- Not categorized Aquael
- Not categorized Klarstein
- Not categorized Lauten Audio
- Not categorized Toddy
- Not categorized Lexivon
- Not categorized Icy Dock
- Not categorized Elta
- Not categorized ASI
- Not categorized Gurari
- Not categorized Varia
- Not categorized SPL
- Not categorized I-Tec
- Not categorized Xigmatek
- Not categorized Storcube
- Not categorized Tracer
- Not categorized Shark
- Not categorized REMKO
- Not categorized Phanteks
- Not categorized EnOcean
- Not categorized EK Water Blocks
- Not categorized Hoymiles
- Not categorized Envertech
- Not categorized Cougar
- Not categorized Asrock
- Not categorized Audiotec Fischer
- Not categorized Furman
- Not categorized Abac
- Not categorized Cata
- Not categorized Vivax
- Not categorized Black Diamond
- Not categorized Stanley
- Not categorized QSC
- Not categorized Bitspower
- Not categorized Black And Decker
- Not categorized Weston
- Not categorized Dobot
- Not categorized WHD
- Not categorized Schuberth
- Not categorized Q Acoustics
- Not categorized Scotsman
- Not categorized Radial Engineering
- Not categorized Karcher
- Not categorized Orion
- Not categorized A-NeuVideo
- Not categorized Beem
- Not categorized Logitech
- Not categorized Boneco
- Not categorized Atlona
- Not categorized EZ Dupe
- Not categorized Becken
- Not categorized DVDO
- Not categorized GoXtreme
- Not categorized Primacoustic
- Not categorized Avanti
- Not categorized Acros
- Not categorized Phil And Teds
- Not categorized Jotul
- Not categorized Thermarest
- Not categorized Dedra
- Not categorized Powerplus
- Not categorized Vivanco
- Not categorized TC Electronic
- Not categorized Suzuki
- Not categorized Bionaire
- Not categorized Huslog
- Not categorized Glem Gas
- Not categorized Apogee
- Not categorized Atomos
- Not categorized IOptron
- Not categorized Trevi
- Not categorized Palmer
- Not categorized R-Go Tools
- Not categorized Drayton
- Not categorized Spektrum
- Not categorized Jung
- Not categorized Götze & Jensen
- Not categorized Native Instruments
- Not categorized Homedics
- Not categorized Xvive
- Not categorized AMX
- Not categorized Perlick
- Not categorized Peavey
- Not categorized BenQ
- Not categorized Princess
- Not categorized FOX ESS
- Not categorized Waterstone
- Not categorized Mr Steam
- Not categorized Fresh N Rebel
- Not categorized DuroStar
- Not categorized Duromax
- Not categorized Owon
- Not categorized REVITIVE
- Not categorized Fosi Audio
- Not categorized Europalms
- Not categorized Sven
- Not categorized Global Water
- Not categorized Hamilton Beach
- Not categorized Extech
- Not categorized Tunturi
- Not categorized Craftsman
- Not categorized Gastronoma
- Not categorized Lumens
- Not categorized Brizo
- Not categorized Xinfrared
- Not categorized Getac
- Not categorized ProLights
- Not categorized Phonak
- Not categorized Cherub
- Not categorized Thor
- Not categorized Laurastar
- Not categorized Ambiano
- Not categorized Bissell
- Not categorized Antelope Audio
- Not categorized ESYLUX
- Not categorized Austral
- Not categorized LiveU
- Not categorized RF-Links
- Not categorized Fortinge
- Not categorized Mercury
- Not categorized Vaddio
- Not categorized InFocus
- Not categorized Stinger
- Not categorized NEXTO DI
- Not categorized Abus
- Not categorized AV Tool
- Not categorized Bauhn
- Not categorized Adventure Kings
- Not categorized EQ Acoustics
- Not categorized Michigan
- Not categorized Vent-A-Hood
- Not categorized Audix
- Not categorized Vizio
- Not categorized Livarno Lux
- Not categorized Grillmeister
- Not categorized Ernesto
- Not categorized Neno
- Not categorized Rommelsbacher
- Not categorized One Control
- Not categorized Bome
- Not categorized Redback Technologies
- Not categorized ESX
- Not categorized City Theatrical
- Not categorized Omnitronic
- Not categorized Reber
- Not categorized Kaiser Nienhaus
- Not categorized Crestron
- Not categorized Eurolite
- Not categorized Manhattan
- Not categorized Xavax
- Not categorized MOZA
- Not categorized Rocstor
- Not categorized Cruz
- Not categorized Newland
- Not categorized Edimax
- Not categorized Dragonshock
- Not categorized Russound
- Not categorized Adj
- Not categorized Olivetti
- Not categorized EVOLVEO
- Not categorized Stadler Form
- Not categorized Wolfcraft
- Not categorized Monacor
- Not categorized Heinner
- Not categorized Minolta
- Not categorized Sena
- Not categorized Innoliving
- Not categorized Aqara
- Not categorized POGS
- Not categorized Beghelli
- Not categorized BodyCraft
- Not categorized Superrollo
- Not categorized Mx Onda
- Not categorized Bixolon
- Not categorized Maruyama
- Not categorized Bravilor Bonamat
- Not categorized Hilti
- Not categorized D-Jix
- Not categorized Black Hydra
- Not categorized Mobile
- Not categorized Nimbus
- Not categorized Lowrance
- Not categorized Roxio
- Not categorized Accsoon
- Not categorized Inspire
- Not categorized Sebo
- Not categorized Boss
- Not categorized Tannoy
- Not categorized Prompter People
- Not categorized JL Audio
- Not categorized Edesa
- Not categorized IOIO
- Not categorized Genexis
- Not categorized Buzz Rack
- Not categorized ZKTeco
- Not categorized Giordani
- Not categorized Cadel
- Not categorized Dualit
- Not categorized Atlas Sound
- Not categorized Solo
- Not categorized Wagner
- Not categorized Bluestork
- Not categorized Davis
- Not categorized Comica
- Not categorized AddLiving
- Not categorized Melitta
- Not categorized Lowell
- Not categorized INOGENI
- Not categorized Nearity
- Not categorized Kiloview
- Not categorized Middle Atlantic
- Not categorized Mount-It!
- Not categorized Morley
- Not categorized Ampeg
- Not categorized Apantac
- Not categorized Carry-on
- Not categorized Liftmaster
- Not categorized GVision
- Not categorized IPGARD
- Not categorized Murideo
- Not categorized TK Audio
- Not categorized Rosco
- Not categorized Proaim
- Not categorized Cisco
- Not categorized CGV
- Not categorized Vacmaster
- Not categorized Elmo
- Not categorized Libec
- Not categorized Point Source Audio
- Not categorized Macally
- Not categorized Ade
- Not categorized MooreCo
- Not categorized Di4
- Not categorized Mellerware
- Not categorized Zenec
- Not categorized Silver Cross
- Not categorized American DJ
- Not categorized AJA
- Not categorized Postium
- Not categorized RME
- Not categorized SurgeX
- Not categorized Alcon
- Not categorized Vantec
- Not categorized Silverline
- Not categorized VAVA
- Not categorized Vicoustic
- Not categorized LERAN
- Not categorized Doffler
- Not categorized Profoto
- Not categorized TensCare
- Not categorized Scanstrut
- Not categorized Industrial Music Electronics
- Not categorized Source Audio
- Not categorized Black Lion Audio
- Not categorized Wiha
- Not categorized Puls Dimension
- Not categorized Wasp
- Not categorized Gamewright
- Not categorized ISDT
- Not categorized Ilve
- Not categorized Reolink
- Not categorized Bebob
- Not categorized Ashly
- Not categorized Claypaky
- Not categorized Premier Mounts
- Not categorized MuxLab
- Not categorized Icy Box
- Not categorized Holosun
- Not categorized Seagate
- Not categorized Holzmann
- Not categorized Blackmagic Design
- Not categorized Audiolab
- Not categorized Modbap Modular
- Not categorized Genius
- Not categorized Rommer
- Not categorized Traeger
- Not categorized Memphis Audio
- Not categorized Focal
- Not categorized Belkin
- Not categorized BDI
- Not categorized Alpine
- Not categorized Ring
- Not categorized TomTom
- Not categorized XGIMI
- Not categorized Omron
- Not categorized Starlink
- Not categorized Celestron
- Not categorized Glide Gear
- Not categorized Oppo
- Not categorized Chicco
- Not categorized AVM
- Not categorized Impact
- Not categorized Pelco
- Not categorized FoxFury
- Not categorized Mammut
- Not categorized Heritage Audio
- Not categorized Safco
- Not categorized Monoprice
- Not categorized Stabila
- Not categorized CTA Digital
- Not categorized Olight
- Not categorized Primo
- Not categorized HammerSmith
- Not categorized Cyrus
- Not categorized Roadinger
- Not categorized Steelbody
- Not categorized Ventev
- Not categorized Elektrobock
- Not categorized Triton
- Not categorized Trisa
- Not categorized Corberó
- Not categorized Korg
- Not categorized Atosa
- Not categorized STANDIVARIUS
- Not categorized Avteq
- Not categorized Izzy
- Not categorized PureLink
- Not categorized UNYKAch
- Not categorized Al-ko
- Not categorized ADATA
- Not categorized Mobotix
- Not categorized Kramer
- Not categorized ATen
- Not categorized Blustream
- Not categorized Laserworld
- Not categorized Kunft
- Not categorized Milesight
- Not categorized Spanninga
- Not categorized Bialetti
- Not categorized Xlyne
- Not categorized Plant Craft
- Not categorized Sungrow
- Not categorized Grundfos
- Not categorized Bazooka
- Not categorized Carlsbro
- Not categorized MoFi
- Not categorized Blackburn
- Not categorized Bang And Olufsen
- Not categorized Sole Fitness
- Not categorized Cowon
- Not categorized Bebe Confort
- Not categorized WHALE
- Not categorized Stalco
- Not categorized Horizon Fitness
- Not categorized Sonel
- Not categorized Jilong
- Not categorized Tenda
- Not categorized Maytronics
- Not categorized Tempmate
- Not categorized Idec
- Not categorized Analog Way
- Not categorized Gamesir
- Not categorized ZyXEL
- Not categorized Vogue
- Not categorized Frilec
- Not categorized Yaesu
- Not categorized Concept2
- Not categorized Musical Fidelity
- Not categorized Flir
- Not categorized Rademacher
- Not categorized NGS
- Not categorized CTOUCH
- Not categorized RCF
- Not categorized Microchip
- Not categorized Homematic IP
- Not categorized Tektronix
- Not categorized WilTec
- Not categorized Thomson
- Not categorized Easypix
- Not categorized LC-Power
- Not categorized SVS
- Not categorized 8BitDo
- Not categorized Pardini
- Not categorized Audeze
- Not categorized Everdure
- Not categorized Insta360
- Not categorized Fieldmann
- Not categorized Alpen Kreuzer
- Not categorized Xplora
- Not categorized H.Koenig
- Not categorized Aiwa
- Not categorized Wimberley
- Not categorized Insignia
- Not categorized Playtive
- Not categorized Vimar
- Not categorized Osprey
- Not categorized Hosa
- Not categorized Havis
- Not categorized Emerson
- Not categorized Weasy
- Not categorized Biltema
- Not categorized Bogen
- Not categorized Electro Harmonix
- Not categorized Vocopro
- Not categorized Chrome-Q
- Not categorized Galaxy Audio
- Not categorized Altman
- Not categorized Aiphone
- Not categorized Atlas
- Not categorized Graco
- Not categorized Manta
- Not categorized MARTOR
- Not categorized Mean Well
- Not categorized HMS Premium
- Not categorized Exelpet
- Not categorized Trendnet
- Not categorized G-Technology
- Not categorized CubuSynth
- Not categorized Simpson
- Not categorized Infasecure
- Not categorized SecureSafe
- Not categorized Intellinet
- Not categorized Hikoki
- Not categorized Solac
- Not categorized Emerio
- Not categorized Butler
- Not categorized AVer
- Not categorized IK Multimedia
- Not categorized Vankyo
- Not categorized Murr Elektronik
- Not categorized TDK-Lambda
- Not categorized Vitek
- Not categorized Quantum
- Not categorized Texas
- Not categorized ProfiCook
- Not categorized Arovec
- Not categorized Acti
- Not categorized GMB Gaming
- Not categorized Cadac
- Not categorized Olympia
- Not categorized Osram
- Not categorized Patching Panda
- Not categorized Consul
- Not categorized Manitowoc
- Not categorized Joranalogue
- Not categorized Klavis
- Not categorized HyperX
- Not categorized Zhiyun
- Not categorized ChamSys
- Not categorized OneTouch
- Not categorized Kospel
- Not categorized Crosscall
- Not categorized Dynacord
- Not categorized Rapoo
- Not categorized Suunto
- Not categorized Roidmi
- Not categorized Aconatic
- Not categorized IOGEAR
- Not categorized Ferguson
- Not categorized DAP Audio
- Not categorized Artecta
- Not categorized IBEAM
- Not categorized Mattel
- Not categorized Baby Jogger
- Not categorized Healthy Choice
- Not categorized Yato
- Not categorized Porter-Cable
- Not categorized Christmas Time
- Not categorized Barazza
- Not categorized Chacon
- Not categorized Marmitek
- Not categorized Dehner
- Not categorized Seaward
- Not categorized Eliminator Lighting
- Not categorized NordicTrack
- Not categorized Microboards
- Not categorized CEDAR
- Not categorized JoeCo
- Not categorized BZBGear
- Not categorized Fiilex
- Not categorized Gen Energy
- Not categorized DEERSYNC
- Not categorized Cranborne Audio
- Not categorized ChyTV
- Not categorized Bresser
- Not categorized Arkon
- Not categorized Apollo Design
- Not categorized Tactical Fiber Systems
- Not categorized Telmax
- Not categorized Sonifex
- Not categorized Blanco
- Not categorized ARC
- Not categorized Cardo
- Not categorized President
- Not categorized Galcon
- Not categorized K&M
- Not categorized Xcellon
- Not categorized Trijicon
- Not categorized Vortex
- Not categorized Vertex
- Not categorized PTZ Optics
- Not categorized Sescom
- Not categorized Robus
- Not categorized Revic
- Not categorized Panamax
- Not categorized Kahayan
- Not categorized Nureva
- Not categorized Pawa
- Not categorized MSW
- Not categorized Ulsonix
- Not categorized Stamony
- Not categorized Fujifilm
- Not categorized ColorKey
- Not categorized Stamina
- Not categorized Lemair
- Not categorized Leica
- Not categorized Soundsphere
- Not categorized Core SWX
- Not categorized DBX
- Not categorized Titanwolf
- Not categorized Perfect Christmas
- Not categorized Medicinalis
- Not categorized Uplink
- Not categorized Rupert Neve Designs
- Not categorized GPX
- Not categorized Flama
- Not categorized Thorens
- Not categorized Microair
- Not categorized XCell
- Not categorized Tepro
- Not categorized Traco Power
- Not categorized Yellow Garden Line
- Not categorized Vogels
- Not categorized Microsoft
- Not categorized Newline
- Not categorized Liam&Daan
- Not categorized Primewire
- Not categorized Rittal
- Not categorized Snow Joe
- Not categorized Phoenix Gold
- Not categorized Universal Audio
- Not categorized Soundmaster
- Not categorized Casa Deco
- Not categorized Adventuridge
- Not categorized Antec
- Not categorized Nutrichef
- Not categorized Parkside
- Not categorized Inverx
- Not categorized Ugreen
- Not categorized Haeger
- Not categorized Cleanmaxx
- Not categorized Victrola
- Not categorized Google
- Not categorized Gloria
- Not categorized Steinberg
- Not categorized EAT
- Not categorized Vincent
- Not categorized Ernitec
- Not categorized Jinbei
- Not categorized Interstuhl
- Not categorized Wachendorff
- Not categorized Geneva
- Not categorized Alfatron
- Not categorized Rockford Fosgate
- Not categorized Sumiko
- Not categorized Chamberlain
- Not categorized Walrus Audio
- Not categorized Govee
- Not categorized Foscam
- Not categorized Ambient Weather
- Not categorized Anybus
- Not categorized Gra-Vue
- Not categorized Enhance
- Not categorized Digitalinx
- Not categorized Easyrig
- Not categorized Bolt
- Not categorized Comprehensive
- Not categorized Ocean Way Audio
- Not categorized Ocean Matrix
- Not categorized Peerless-AV
- Not categorized Blomberg
- Not categorized MAK
- Not categorized Deaf Bonce
- Not categorized Easymaxx
- Not categorized Christmaxx
- Not categorized Fiio
- Not categorized Multibrackets
- Not categorized Hanseatic
- Not categorized Evenflo
- Not categorized ADDAC System
- Not categorized Primera
- Not categorized Hecate
- Not categorized Alutruss
- Not categorized LightZone
- Not categorized Peak Design
- Not categorized Blizzard
- Not categorized Drawmer
- Not categorized EOTech
- Not categorized Edelkrone
- Not categorized Ergotools Pattfield
- Not categorized ESE
- Not categorized OKAY
- Not categorized Uniropa
- Not categorized JMAZ Lighting
- Not categorized AEA
- Not categorized NightStick
- Not categorized Aguilar
- Not categorized JK Audio
- Not categorized Sabrent
- Not categorized MIOPS
- Not categorized Hawke
- Not categorized Rotatrim
- Not categorized Defender
- Not categorized Enttec
- Not categorized Robinhood
- Not categorized GVM
- Not categorized Feelworld
- Not categorized Eller
- Not categorized Arthur Martin
- Not categorized Theben
- Not categorized Soundcraft
- Not categorized Martin Logan
- Not categorized Andover
- Not categorized Fortinet
- Not categorized Prestigio
- Not categorized Deity
- Not categorized Watson
- Not categorized Grimm Audio
- Not categorized AVMATRIX
- Not categorized Grunkel
- Not categorized CMI
- Not categorized Synco
- Not categorized Betty Bossi
- Not categorized Lanaform
- Not categorized CAD Audio
- Not categorized Moulinex
- Not categorized Kubo
- Not categorized Merging
- Not categorized Livington
- Not categorized Hurricane
- Not categorized Akai
- Not categorized AirTurn
- Not categorized New Pol
- Not categorized Expressive E
- Not categorized Amazfit
- Not categorized ILive
- Not categorized Giardino
- Not categorized Flycam
- Not categorized Digigram
- Not categorized Mutec
- Not categorized Senal
- Not categorized Ipevo
- Not categorized Tempo
- Not categorized Proviel
- Not categorized Xblitz
- Not categorized Kathrein
- Not categorized Mafell
- Not categorized Aspes
- Not categorized Tineco
- Not categorized Zelmer
- Not categorized Autel
- Not categorized Mercusys
- Not categorized Velbus
- Not categorized Connection
- Not categorized HuddleCamHD
- Not categorized Technical Pro
- Not categorized Solplanet
- Not categorized JOBY
- Not categorized Raya
- Not categorized Hammond
- Not categorized DOD
- Not categorized Marshall Electronics
- Not categorized Videotel Digital
- Not categorized Avenview
- Not categorized Bretford
- Not categorized Badiona
- Not categorized Dangerous Music
- Not categorized Smith-Victor
- Not categorized Zylight
- Not categorized Blind Spot
- Not categorized BIOS Living
- Not categorized Burris
- Not categorized Kemo
- Not categorized MBM
- Not categorized TAURUS Titanium
- Not categorized Gardenline
- Not categorized Millennia
- Not categorized Suntec
- Not categorized PCE Instruments
- Not categorized AREXX
- Not categorized Blue Sky
- Not categorized 3M
- Not categorized Rocktrail
- Not categorized BeSafe
- Not categorized American International
- Not categorized T-Rex
- Not categorized Computherm
- Not categorized Babysense
- Not categorized Bora
- Not categorized Hayward
- Not categorized Thinkware
- Not categorized Cloud
- Not categorized Apricorn
- Not categorized Lucide
- Not categorized Foster
- Not categorized Mulex
- Not categorized Comfortisse
- Not categorized Intertechno
- Not categorized EQ-3
- Not categorized Yphix
- Not categorized Magliner
- Not categorized Em-Trak
- Not categorized Black Box
- Not categorized Albert Heijn
- Not categorized Infantino
- Not categorized Bestgreen
- Not categorized Lenoxx
- Not categorized Empress Effects
- Not categorized Hacienda
- Not categorized Dali
- Not categorized Cooler Master
- Not categorized Enbrighten
- Not categorized Audison
- Not categorized Flame
- Not categorized UDG Gear
- Not categorized Lastolite
- Not categorized Weidmüller
- Not categorized NANO Modules
- Not categorized Scala
- Not categorized EA Elektro Automatik
- Not categorized Minox
- Not categorized Gustard
- Not categorized Technaxx
- Not categorized Bahr
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