Ernitec ELECTRA-POE-30W Manual

Ernitec Not categorized ELECTRA-POE-30W

Read below 📖 the manual in Italian for Ernitec ELECTRA-POE-30W (1 pages) in the Not categorized category. This guide has been helpful for 10 people and has been rated 4.5 stars on average by 2 users

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1. Hardware Introduction
Telephone No.
Purchase Shop
Purchase Address
Product Model No.
Purchase Time
Serial No.
Dealer Signature
If the product defects within three months after purchase, we will provide you a new
product of the same model.
If the product defects within the three-year warranty period, we will provide the
professional maintenance service.
Proof of purchase and a complete product serial number are required to receive any
services guaranteed as part of the limited warranty.
Any other defects that are not caused by workmanship or product quality, such as
natural disaster, water damage, extreme thermal or environmental conditions. sticker
damaged, warranty card losing will disqualify the product from limited warranty.
Warranty Card
Packa ge C on tent s: 1 ×P oE I nj ec to r 1× Po wer Co rd 1 × Quic k Ins ta ll atio n Gu id e
AC Powe r In pu t So ck et
Data In put Port
Power a nd d ata ou tp ut
Power i nd ic at or : on - p ow er i np ut
off - no powe r
PoE lnjector
Po we r Us ag e
Powe r
PoE out Data in
Power : on - p ow er i np ut
off - no powe r
Power a nd d ata ou tp ut
Data in pu t
100V-240V AC Powe r In put Sock et
Groun d
2. Application
Po E lnjec to r
Power Usage
Powe r
Po E out Daa i n
1000Mbps PoE++ I njec tor
Gig abit Sw it c h
Wire less AP PTZ Ca me raThin Clien t
AC 100-240V
Ethernet PoE power + data Power line
2.1 PoE Injector
1. Conne ct a n Et he rnet d ev ic e to t he I N po rt o f th e Po E in je ct or.
2. Conne ct a P oE P ow er ed d ev ic e to t he O UT por t of t he P oE i nj ec to r.
3. Use the p ow er c or d to c on nect t he P oE I nj ec to r's
4. AC I NP UT port.
3. Installation Way
Wall-Mou ntin g
3.1 Wall Mount (Optional)
Packa ge C on tent s: 1 ×P oE I nj ec to r 1× Po wer Co rd 1 × Quic k Ins ta ll atio n Gu id e
Installation Guide

Product Specifications

Brand: Ernitec
Category: Not categorized

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