Akg Sound Grabber II Manual
Sound Grabber II
Read below 📖 the manual in Italian for Akg Sound Grabber II (2 pages) in the Microphone category. This guide has been helpful for 16 people and has been rated 4.5 stars on average by 2 users
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(15 .0 CM)
he Sound Grabber II is an ate upd d
version of the original Sound Grabber.
It utili s the same Pressure Zze one
Micr eophon ® technol y in ich sound og wh
waves reinforce themselves in the area
nearest a at rface, usuafl su lly referred to as
the boundary.
Top recording engineers all er the ov world
are using professi al versi s of the on on
A K G / C r o w n PZM (Pressure Zone
Micr e) to i r e the ophon mp ov quality of their
recordi . Thngs e Sound Grabber II is one
version of that technol y, desi ed to mog gn eet
the needs of the home or iness rebus cordist
and bring th benets of e PZM technol y og
within the r ch of many ea more people.
Because of this new technol y, Sound og
Grabber II offers u the y foyo oppo unrt it r
vast i r ement in the amp ov qu lity of your re-
cordi . The Sngs ound Grabber II will pick up
sounds at distances you never t t hough pos-
Fig. 1
Hi e ng
Grab Cover
Here and Lift
Mic Holder
- Battery +
(2) Grab
Frequency response (typical): 50 Hz to 16 kHz (see
Fig. 3).
Polar pattern: Hemispherical (half-omni) on a large
I edamp nce: 1600 ohms, alaunb nced.
Sensitivity: 20 mV/Pa* (-54 fBV/Pa).
Power sensitivity: –42 dBm.
Cable: 10 f t woo ith mini e pl , 1/4" phon ug phone plug
and micro phone plug adapters.
sible and it will pick them up with a clarity Power: One 1.5V AAA alkaline battery.
that other micr es, becaophon use of the limi-
tations of their constr tiuc on, si ly camp nnot
mat .ch
The Sound Grabber does II not need to fol-
(1) Remove Boundary “Paddle”
Using the Sound Grabber II
Conferences Recording
Dimens onsi : See Fig. 4.
* 1 pascal = 10 dynes/cm2 = 10 micr aob rs = 94 dB SPL.
low the action nc, si e it has a wide-angle
pi p packu ttern. So l g as the mic son “ees”
the sound, in atever dwh irec on or ati ngle, it
will pick it up cl y; it es t nearl do no eed to be
between you and the other person. Speakers
or vocalists can move ly ar d thfree oun e
Sound Grabber wII ithout their t e aon qu lity
chang ngi .
For your gr test enjoyment of the Sea ound
Place the Sound Grabber II at on the con- fl
ference table somewhere near the center of
the table. One micr e should be able tophon o
pick up gr s of twelve or less at distaoup nces
up to 20'. Larger gr s may reoup quire addi-
tional mics depending on the distances in-
volved. See Fig. 2.
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
dB 0
Frequency Response
Grabber II, we urge you to r d these in-ea
str tiuc ons t r ly so ho ough you can be familiar
with this new technol y.og
I ng the Batterynstalli
The Sound Grabber II is ered wpow ith an
alkaline 1.5 lt A bavo AA ttery. One is fur-
ni ed wsh ith the micr e, t it must bophon bu e
i ens rted into the micr e.ophon
Your battery will supply the needed power
for the micr e for at l st six wophon ea eeks
and possibly much l er.ong
To i tall the bans ttery open the cover (see Fig.
1) and i ert the ns AAA battery. Pl se makeea
the correct orientation.
The Sound Grabber I should I not be cov-
ered with papers or books, as this could
make the sound muffled.
20 0 1K 10
Frequency in Hz
Fig. 4
3. " 409
(8.7 CM)
3. " 129
(7.9 CM)
. " 732
(1.86 ) cm
10 20K K
. " 607
(1.5 ) cm

Should u wish to reyo cord a conference
gr p ich is m ng wou wh eeti ithout a table, the
Sound Grabber could be placed on thII e
floor in the mi le of the gr p or on a wadd ou ll.
Double-faced adhesive tape can be edus ,
pr iding the wall nish wov fi ill t be dam- no
For t -per n interviewo so ws, see Fig. 5. If the
interview is being recorded on televisi , thon e
mic can easily be pos oniti ed t of the cam- ou
era range and still have excellent audio
Fig. 5
Interviews can also be miked with the Sound
Grabber II mounted on the ceiling or in an
Fig. 6 Fig.7
(top view)
cassette recorder. caBe use of the mic’s enov l
desi , u pr ably wgn yo ob ill nd that your re- fi
corder performs better than it ever has be-
For video recording with a fixed camera po-
siti , si ly plug the mic into the cameron mp a
and position the mic as needed for the t eyp
overhead light fixture.
Pulpits, Lecterns
Because it es li flat on any surface, the Sound
Grabber II is ideal for pi ing up ch at ck spee a
lectern or lppu it. It is i isible to the anv udi-
ence and can be placed anywhere on the
surface so as not to interfere with any books
or papers. See Fig. 6.
Cassette Recording
The Sound Grabber II is equ ppi ed with an 8
f t rd woo co ith a 1/8" mic pl . A micro plug ug
and 1/4" phone-plug adaptors are also pro-
The Sound Grabber II w ill pr ide an tov ou put
si al that wgn ill record easily on any standard
of recording you are do ngi . If the camera
will be movi , ng you can tape the mic to the
front of the camera or ask an assistant to
hold the mic.
Stereo Recording
Mount two Sound Grabber IIs h d high ea on
a wall or on the r and about 3 to 10 ffloo eet
apart, facing the performers. The mics
should be 5' to 15' from the performers (see
Fi . 7 and 8).gs
A K G / C r o w n professi al micr es aon ophon re
guarant d unconditi aee on lly agai t ns
malfunc on ti from any cause for a period of
one year om date of o ginal r ase. fr ri pu ch
Pl se refer to thea e blister pack for re mo
If the micr e es t funcophon do no tion pr - op
erly, eck that it is aimed rrecch co tly and is
connected as described in this data sheet.
you determine that the microphone product is
defective, return the complete product in its
original packaging to one of the addresses
below. For further assistance or technical
support call the international helpdesk at
+43 676 83200 888.
1.5 AAA
2.2 F
Sound Grabber II Schematic
© 2015 HARMAN International Industries,
Incorporated. All rights reserved. AKG is a trademark
of Acoustics GmbH, registered in the United AKG
States and/or other countries.
Features, specications and appearance are subject
to change without notice.
Product Specifications
Brand: | Akg |
Category: | Microphone |
Model: | Sound Grabber II |
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