V-Tac VT-10100 Manual

Read below 📖 the manual in Italian for V-Tac VT-10100 (10 pages) in the Not categorized category. This guide has been helpful for 7 people and has been rated 4.5 stars on average by 2 users

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VT-10100/SKU 11568
VT-10210/SKU 11569
Flexible Solar Panel
1 Purpose
2 Disclaimer
3 General Safety Information
4 Safety Precautions
5 Installation Procedure and Precautions
5.1 Unpacking and Precautions
5.2 Pre-installation Requirements
5.3 Installation Precautions
6 Commissioning and Troubleshooting
7 Product Specifications
9 Maintenance
VT-10100/SKU 11568/VT-10210/SKU 11569
1. Purpose
2. Disclaimer
3. General Safety Information
T chis manual ontains information ne gy about the solar e r c n h ns a on. e akompone ts and t eir i tall ti Pl ase m e sure yo ru ead
an d std fully un er and this ma l bnua efore purch n a sta t rasi g nd in lling the panels o ensu e that you use them corr y. ectl
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us for further clarification and explanation.
When installing modules, installers should follow all safety precautions specified in this manual and any local
regulations. Before installing solar photovoltaic systems, installers should be familiar with the mechanical and
electrical requirements of such systems.
After rea n h anu , kdi g t is m al eep it in sa e plaa f ce f uor f ture refer cen e o cn servi e and maintenance information.
This document applies to the following solar component series:
As the use of this manual as well as the conditions or methods for the installation, operation, use and maintenance
o tovo c PV rf pho ltai ( ) p oducts may exc co reed the nt ol of EcoFlow, Eco o s rFl w a sumes no esponsibility f h n-or suc no
standard installations and operations, and expressly disclaims any loss, damage, and maintenance requirements
arising therefrom or in any y related thereto.wa
EcoFlow s t be liablhall no e for any infrin ogement f third-pa atenrty p ts or other ig r hts th t ma ay resu rolt f m the adoption
o staf t inhe ll tioa n methods, accessori s, e etc. that are not provided y ourb company during install tiona an e.d us
T rhe p odu nfoct i rm tiona nsta aand i ll tion examples in this ma ual an re ro p vide ase n Ec od b d o oFl w's an rs'd o r partnu e
r eva oel nt kn wledge eand xperience are cand onsidered to r be eliable; h verowe , the res a rec ndatrictions nd omme tio n ns i
suc formah in tion, lu n r inc di g p oduc ec fict sp i ation ot s, do n constitute any express o er impli d warranty.
Before using the product, please read the User Manual and the disclaimer of liability for this product carefully.
Once you use this product, it will be deemed that you have understood, acknowledged and a epted all the cc
terms and contents of this document, and the user shall be responsible for their actions and all consequences
arising therefrom. EcoFlow hereby disclaims any liability for any losses due to the user's failure to use the product
a ording to the User Manual.cc
I cn ompl ani ce w h laws and regulati s, com ny ll have he fin righ tit on the pa sha t al t o interpret this document and all r at el ed
do uments c for t is ph roduct. Any update, revision or te armin tio e cn of th on ent ts thereof, neces y, e if sar shall be mad
S tovoolar pho lt ic a systems must o enly b install d e by qualied personnel w h relit evant professional skills a d kn nowl dge e.
A ola odull s r m les are equ eipp d with a per anently m connect ned ju ction box an .5d 2 mm
(0.0 n04 i 2
) wires. s In tallers shall
b aear ll risk of injury t t mha ay occur durin nsta ag i ll tio u un, incl ding, b t not limited to, the risk of e ctricle shock.
W ehen xp d ose to rec u h di t s nlig t, a u a single mod le m y generate v DC oltages greater than 24 V. Exposure t o DC
vo eltag s f o 24 V r hig r is po he oten n rou rc atially da ge s. A ing m y oc co rcur when dis nnecting wi es th t aa re c ctonne ed
t h Po t e V mponents co e oxp sed to u s nlight uc. S h ar n aci g m y ca se burns or a fiu re rat c. Please ope e with spe ial care,
ot rw e ahe is it m y give r tise o further ss erefore t i ues. It is th important o protect yourself from electricity!
The solar modules convert solar energy into DC electricity, and they are designed for outdoor use. Modules can
be mounted on top of a fixed outdoor object, and the system designer and installer shall be responsible for the
compliance of the design of their supporting structure.
Do not attempt to disassemble the module, or remove any attached nameplates or components.
Do not apply paint, adhesives or substances that block the battery cell from light to the light-receiving surface of
the module.
Do not expose the surface of the module to amplified sunlight that is artificially centralized.
When installing systems, please observe all local, regional and national laws and statutory regulations. When install-
ing them on a vehicle or vessel, please observe relevant local and national laws and regulations.

Product Specifications

Brand: V-Tac
Category: Not categorized
Model: VT-10100

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