Husqvarna-Viking Eden Rose 250M Manual

Read below šŸ“– the manual in Italian for Husqvarna-Viking Eden Rose 250M (48 pages) in the Sewing machine category. This guide has been helpful for 10 people and has been rated 4.5 stars on average by 2 users

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Userā€™s Guide
When using an electrical appliance, basic safety precautions should always be followed, including
the following:
Read all instructions before using this household sewing machine.
ā€¢ī€ƒ Aī€ƒsewingī€ƒmachineī€ƒshouldī€ƒneverī€ƒbeī€ƒleftī€ƒunattendedī€ƒwhenī€ƒpluggedī€ƒin.ī€ƒAlwaysī€ƒunplugī€ƒthisī€ƒsewingī€ƒ
machine from the electric outlet immediately after using and before cleaning.
ā€¢ī€ƒ Alwaysī€ƒunplugī€ƒbeforeī€ƒrelamping.
ā€¢ī€ƒ Thisī€ƒsewingī€ƒmachineī€ƒisī€ƒnotī€ƒintendedī€ƒforī€ƒuseī€ƒbyī€ƒpersonsī€ƒ(includingī€ƒchildren)ī€ƒwithī€ƒreducedī€ƒphysical,ī€ƒ
sensoryī€ƒorī€ƒmentalī€ƒcapabilities,ī€ƒorī€ƒlackī€ƒof ī€ƒexperienceī€ƒandī€ƒknowledge,ī€ƒunlessī€ƒtheyī€ƒhaveī€ƒbeenī€ƒgivenī€ƒ
supervisionī€ƒorī€ƒinstructionī€ƒconcerningī€ƒuseī€ƒof ī€ƒtheī€ƒsewingī€ƒmachineī€ƒbyī€ƒaī€ƒpersonī€ƒresponsibleī€ƒforī€ƒtheirī€ƒ
ā€¢ī€ƒ Childrenī€ƒshouldī€ƒbeī€ƒsupervisedī€ƒtoī€ƒensureī€ƒthatī€ƒtheyī€ƒdoī€ƒnotī€ƒplayī€ƒwithī€ƒtheī€ƒsewingī€ƒmachine.
ā€¢ī€ƒ Useī€ƒthisī€ƒsewingī€ƒmachineī€ƒonlyī€ƒforī€ƒitsī€ƒintendedī€ƒuseī€ƒasī€ƒdescribedī€ƒinī€ƒthisī€ƒmanual.ī€ƒUseī€ƒonlyī€ƒattachmentsī€ƒ
recommended by the manufacturer as contained in this manual.
ā€¢ī€ƒ Neverī€ƒoperateī€ƒthisī€ƒsewingī€ƒmachineī€ƒif ī€ƒitī€ƒhasī€ƒaī€ƒdamagedī€ƒcordī€ƒorī€ƒplug,ī€ƒif ī€ƒitī€ƒisī€ƒnotī€ƒworkingī€ƒproperly,ī€ƒif ī€ƒ
it has been dropped or damaged, or dropped into water. Return the sewing machine to the nearest
ā€¢ī€ƒ Neverī€ƒoperateī€ƒtheī€ƒsewingī€ƒmachineī€ƒwithī€ƒanyī€ƒairī€ƒopeningsī€ƒblocked.ī€ƒKeepī€ƒventilationī€ƒ
openings of the sewing machine and foot controller free from the accumulation of lint,
dust, and loose cloth.
ā€¢ī€ƒ Keepī€ƒīƒ€ngersī€ƒawayī€ƒfromī€ƒallī€ƒmovingī€ƒparts.ī€ƒSpecialī€ƒcareī€ƒisī€ƒrequiredī€ƒaroundī€ƒtheī€ƒsewingī€ƒ
machine needle.
ā€¢ī€ƒ Alwaysī€ƒuseī€ƒtheī€ƒproperī€ƒneedleī€ƒplate.ī€ƒTheī€ƒwrongī€ƒplateī€ƒcanī€ƒcauseī€ƒtheī€ƒneedleī€ƒtoī€ƒbreak.
ā€¢ī€ƒ Doī€ƒnotī€ƒuseī€ƒbentī€ƒneedles.
ā€¢ī€ƒ Doī€ƒnotī€ƒpullī€ƒorī€ƒpushī€ƒfabricī€ƒwhileī€ƒstitching.ī€ƒItī€ƒmayī€ƒdeīƒectī€ƒtheī€ƒneedleī€ƒcausingī€ƒitī€ƒtoī€ƒbreak.
ā€¢ī€ƒ Wearī€ƒsafetyī€ƒglasses.
ā€¢ī€ƒ Switchī€ƒtheī€ƒsewingī€ƒmachineī€ƒoff ī€ƒ(ā€œ0ā€)ī€ƒwhenī€ƒmakingī€ƒanyī€ƒadjustmentī€ƒinī€ƒtheī€ƒneedleī€ƒarea,ī€ƒ
such as threading needle, changing needle, threading bobbin, or changing presser foot, etc.
ā€¢ī€ƒ Alwaysī€ƒunplugī€ƒsewingī€ƒmachineī€ƒfromī€ƒtheī€ƒelectricalī€ƒoutletī€ƒwhenī€ƒremovingī€ƒcovers,ī€ƒlubricating,ī€ƒorī€ƒwhenī€ƒ
ā€¢ī€ƒ Neverī€ƒdropī€ƒorī€ƒinsertī€ƒanyī€ƒobjectī€ƒintoī€ƒanyī€ƒopening.
ā€¢ī€ƒ Doī€ƒnotī€ƒuseī€ƒoutdoors.
ā€¢ī€ƒ Doī€ƒnotī€ƒoperateī€ƒwhereī€ƒaerosolī€ƒ(spray)ī€ƒproductsī€ƒareī€ƒbeingī€ƒusedī€ƒorī€ƒwhereī€ƒoxygenī€ƒisī€ƒbeingī€ƒadministrated.
ā€¢ī€ƒ Toī€ƒdisconnect,ī€ƒturnī€ƒallī€ƒcontrolsī€ƒtoī€ƒtheī€ƒoff ī€ƒ(ā€œ0ā€)ī€ƒposition,ī€ƒthenī€ƒremoveī€ƒplugī€ƒfromī€ƒoutlet.
ā€¢ī€ƒ Doī€ƒnotī€ƒunplugī€ƒbyī€ƒpullingī€ƒonī€ƒcord.ī€ƒToī€ƒunplug,ī€ƒgraspī€ƒtheī€ƒplug,ī€ƒnotī€ƒtheī€ƒcord.
ā€¢ī€ƒ Theī€ƒsoundī€ƒpressureī€ƒlevelī€ƒunderī€ƒnormalī€ƒoperatingī€ƒconditionsī€ƒisī€ƒā‰¤75dB(A).
ā€¢ī€ƒ Thisī€ƒsewingī€ƒmachineī€ƒisī€ƒprovidedī€ƒwithī€ƒdoubleī€ƒinsulation.ī€ƒUseī€ƒonlyī€ƒidenticalī€ƒreplacementī€ƒparts.ī€ƒSeeī€ƒ
instructionsī€ƒforī€ƒServicingī€ƒof ī€ƒDouble-Insulatedī€ƒAppliances.
A limited edition accessory foot package is packed in
the box with your HUSQVARNA VIKINGĀ® EDEN ROSEā„¢
sewing machine. The package contains the following
optional presser feet:
Gather fabric or gather and attach a rufīƒe in one step. Suitable for light to
medium weight fabrics. Straight stitch, (left needle position), length 4. The longer
the length, the more fabric will gather. Snap on Gathering Foot.
Couch or stitch braid or cord for decorative embellishment. Stabilize as needed.
Straight stitch, length 2.5 or Zigzag stitch, length 2 to 4, width wide enough to
go over braid or cord (or use decorative stitch).
Place fabric under Gathering Foot and sew. Increase
upper tension for tighter gathers.
1. Place fabric to be gathered under the presser foot
right side up.
2. Place fabric to have rufīƒes attached to it
in the groove of the foot right side down.
3. Sew, guiding the under fabric but do not
hold it back. Keep the top fabric in the
groove moving it steadily as needed. Increase
the stitch length and upper tension for more
1. Thread braid from top of foot into the
guide hole and under the foot.
2. Lower the Presser Foot and stitch. The
Gimping /Braiding Guide accessory
(4125544-45) will guide the braid as you

Product Specifications

Brand: Husqvarna-Viking
Category: Sewing machine
Model: Eden Rose 250M

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