IKEA TROTTEN 404.747.56 Manual

IKEA Bureau TROTTEN 404.747.56

Read below 馃摉 the manual in Italian for IKEA TROTTEN 404.747.56 (2 pages) in the Bureau category. This guide has been helpful for 7 people and has been rated 4.5 stars on average by 2 users

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漏 Inter IKEA Systems B.V. 2021
For maximum quality
For maximum quality,
re-tighten the screws when
Wipe dry with a clean cloth.
Wipe clean with a cloth
dampened in a mild
This desk has been tested
for o瞵攃e use and meets the
requirements for durability
and stability set forth in
the following standards: EN
527-2 and ANSI/BIFMA X5.5.
转讬讘专讬诪 转讜讻讬讗 转讞讟讘讛诇
讜拽讚讛 ,转讬讘专讬诪 转讜讻讬讗 转讞讟讘讛
讱专讜爪讛 转注讘 诐讬讙专讘讛 转讗 砖讚讞诪
.讛讬拽谞讜 讛讻专 转讬诇讟诪讘 砖讜讘讬讬诇 讜讘讙谞
讬讜拽讬谞 专诪讜讞讘 讛讙讜驻住 转讬诇讟诪讘 讜拽
.谉讬讚注 讬诇讝讜谞
砖讜诪讬砖诇 拽讚讘谞 讛讝 讛讬转讻 谉讞诇讜砖
讚诪讜注 讗讜讛 讬讻 专砖讜讗讜 讬讚专砖诪
,转讜讘讬爪讬讛讜 转讜讚讬诪注讛 转讜砖讬专讚讘
EN 527-2 :诐讬讗讘讛 诐讬谞拽转讛 讬驻诇

Product Specifications

Brand: IKEA
Category: Bureau
Model: TROTTEN 404.747.56

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